Chapter 38

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Yeji's POV

"Mom? Why are you here?"

I was surprised! I thought they won't be back till next year. Maybe we could celebrate the New Year's Eve together this winter.

"let's talk about that later" she smiled at me and wanted me to sit on the sofa.
"Want some coffee?" she walked to the kitchen and asked. I shook head.

She then made a cup of hot chocolate milk and placed it in front of me. She sat across the table and talked to me.

"We got a call from your school. They said they haven't received any reply from you. A meeting or something, I can't remember"
"Teacher parents conference?" I said and started getting nervous.
"That's it. They told me it's important for third graders and we'll talk about your college. That's why we came back. We need to talk about this"

Mom took out a folder and put the papers on table. She divided the papers into two groups and looked at me.

"Your dad and I want you to study business. It will help us a lot. He always wants you to work with him when you graduate from college"

No. Pls tell me this is not real. I don't wanna study business. That's not what I want to do.

"I'm not interested in it. My math sucks"
"I know you'll say that, but that's fine. He will teach you and you can learn in school. You may find it interesting"

The truth is I may give up midway. I needed to tell mom that I wanna be a dancer. That's what I love and I'll be doing well. If she knew, she would change her mind.

"I don't wanna study business. I want to be a professional dancer" I said.
She paused and listened to me.

"I love dancing and I have been preparing for it. Look, they even let me attend the audition"

I took out the envelope and showed it to her. She read the notice. I hope she can understand and support my choice. They always did.

"Okay. That's what you love, but how long will this love for dancing last?"
"And you love playing soccer too, but you never tell me you want to be a soccer player. What does that mean?"

There is always a feeling coming up when I dance. It filled me with joy and happiness. It's like, like. Damn, I have no idea how to say it.

"Yeji, you love dancing. But I can't feel it in your words. I'm saying this because I worry that you may choose a wrong path"

No! I know what I've been doing. That's what I love! I can practice for hours and hours. I wanna perform on the stage. I'm excited about learning dance in college.

"You need to think about the difference. And why don't you consider business before you have any clue. Look, I found several schools. You can either stay here or go abroad. There are"

I didn't hear anything for rest of the time. I know the answer, but I can't let mom understand me. She must think I'm a kid and have confused the love for dance with my career.

I nodded and nodded. We finished the talk by twelve and mom went to bed. Frustrated, I stayed on the sofa and covered my face.

It should be simple right? Tell your mom what you love and let her believe you. That was what I thought when I tossed away the paper ball.

It should be easy if the person talking tonight wasn't me. I don't know how to describe feelings. I wish I was a girl good at expressing thoughts. It was me that made me frustrated.

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