Chapter 20

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That day, Yeji took a day off and stayed at the old town until five in the afternoon. Ryujin was with her. It was their first time going out together. In the morning, they went to play arcade games. Ryujin never thought she would have a rival!

Then, they went for a drive. They wind down the windows and let the hair flow around. Yeji with that orange-red hair, Ryujin with that blonde short hair. They came to the harbour in the old town for lunch. They got best places selling seafood. But Ryujin could sense that Yeji got things on her mind. They didn't stay long.

In the afternoon, they went to a indoor batting cages for fun. Ryujin's friends were there too. Yeji met a few guys. They all have their special taste on clothes. They had a great time and had free, delicious hot dog there.


A Wednesday. Yeji was going home after school. She went down from the classroom, passed by a hallway. She saw a familiar figure in an office out of the corners of her eyes. She checked if someone was watching and turned the door open. Yeji walked to that person.

"Geez! Yeji why are you here" Yuna turned back and saw her.
"I'm the one should ask. Detention?" Yeji talked in tiny voice. She saw two other students there. One wore too hot and the other she didn't know. Yuna nodded.

"I tried sending texts in the class and my phone fell off"
"To who?"
"Joanne. The girl I met online. I dunno. She always text me back in seconds like she doesn't have to go school" Yuna pouted

Wait. Why does this setting sounds so familiar?

"Oh? another colour on your fingernail huh" Yuna looked at it and grinned. Her cheeks raised.
"She send me pics of blue sky. She likes photography and I thought she like blue!"
"A kid is in a relationship now~" Yeji teased
"Aren't you?"

Oops, she got you there.

Yeji left the office and took a bus to old town. She arrived at Lia's school five minutes before their last class ended. Then, she waited until the bell rang. She saw Lia walking to her.

"So happy to see you again" Lia threw herself into Yeji's arms. She didn't care if anyone see them.
"Didn't we just meet yesterday??"
"It doesn't matter~" Lia parted and they walked together on the sidewalk.

"Can we go home now? I wanna lie on your bed. I feel tired today" Yeji said
"We have a few group projects at school. We talked and listened for a long time. It tired me"
"We talk a lot too. Don't you feel tired?"
"Never" Yeji said.
"But we can go somewhere else. How about cafe?"

Yeji nodded. They went to a cafe hidden in an alley. The store got many seats and they could have dinner there. Yeji had mini-burger and Lia had waffle. Sometimes they talked, sometimes they studied. Books were scattered on the table. The water drop on the paper cup wet a few pages.

Before nine, they left the cafe and Lia walked Yeji to wall. Under the dark sky, the streetlights formed circles on the ground. One after another. They got to see each other's face when they were in the circle. Satisfied face.

A bus took Yeji away and Lia watched her leave. She was going home, but the pace wasn't as light as before.


Lia arrived home, walked through the yard and stood on the doorstep. She turned the door knob and saw her dad in the living room.

"I am home" she tried to sound normal but her voice disappeared soon into silence. The broken light on ceiling hadn't been repaired. Newspapers wide open on the table. Job Vacancies. Dad put the glasses on it and covered his face in two hands.

The Wall |  Yejisu Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant