Chapter 21

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Yeji started to sense something off about Lia. She seemed pretty okay most of the time. She talked like before and had sweet smile like candy. But under the smile, Yeji could sense a tiredness.

Lia would zone out sometimes or was drawn into thinking. Yeji thought Lia would tell her some day, so she didn't worry too much.

A Friday, while Lia was taking the math class, Yeji texted her. She fished out the smartphone and took a quick look. Yeji said she had to shoot a video later at studio and couldn't come to old town tonight.

Well, the class had already been boring. The text made it worse. She drew some lines on books using pencil. When Lia thought that she can't meet Yeji tonight, she stopped and rested her head on the palm. The time in this classroom went so slow as if a black hole was near.

Finally, the class was ended and it was time to go home! For Lia, going home now wasn't a good idea. She could go to cafe actually, but without Yeji, she didn't feel like going anywhere. She called Ryujin instead.

"Hey. what's up" a coarse voice came out from the phone. She coughed in the phone.
"Are you sick? You sounded not good" Lia's smile turned into a concerned face.

"A cold. We had a water guns fight yesterday. The water from refrigerator. I got soaked wet and there had wind down the hill. My head is killing me"
"I guess you need my help" Lia tried not to sound worried.
"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Just let me get some sleep" Ryujin said.
"Call if you need me, ok?"

Ryujin ended the call. Lia walked on the sidewalk and thought. She couldn't let Ryujin just sleep there. She needed to do something. So, she went to a supermarket and bought ingredients. She could make a soup for Ryujin. She walked out with a plastic bags and took a bus to the apartment.

Lia knocked on the door and Ryujin, in the pajamas, opened the door. Her blonde hair lay loosely. Her bags under eyes were obvious and the lips were a bit chapped. Lia touched her forehead.

"You may have a fever. Lie on the sofa. I cook a soup for you" Lia walked in. She thought Ryujin wouldn't like it but Ryujin did what Lia told her. She lay there and fell asleep.

Lia walked in the kitchen and started cooking. She boiled the water and threw the flat rice cake in. She also put other ingredients and seasoned the soup with pepper and salt. As she opened the lid, the smell came up and smelt really good.

She put a bowl with hot soup in front of Ryujin. She sat up and drank the soup first.

"It's warm" Ryujin said and a smile on her face.
"Of course. That's what you need. Here. I bought you pills too"
"Thanks" Ryujin finished the soup and sank into the sofa. Lia ate some soup too and then she left after Ryujin went to sleep in her bedroom.

When Lia arrived home, it was still early. Last few weeks, after Yeji went back to new town, she would took a stroll on the street and came home by eleven. She was like young Yeji then. Stay outside late and don't wanna return to the unhappy place.

Again, she walked through the yard, which hadn't been watered for days. She stood on doorstep and slowly turned the door knob.

This time, more newspapers on the table and a bottle of pills on it. Serotonin. Lia saw dad on the sofa. He looked older. Lia didn't wanna stay at living room. She walked to the stairs but was called by dad.

"Please Lia, sit here. We need to talk" He asked her in that low voice, like an old engine. Lia thought it would be quick so she returned and sat on the sofa.

"I have been thinking about that woman. I traveled a lot, but we had a great time before she abandoned us. Do you think she left because of me?"
"I don't know" Lia said it first but then, the day her mom argued with dad on the phone popped up.

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