Chapter 11

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Yeji's POV

"I thought you must have been to at least one" Lia said.
"If you know that new town is on the hills side, then it's not a surprise"
"But you have airport! you have so many trains to places in country" Lia took a bit of her toast.

That was true. But I don't like taking airplane, remember that? Although there are countless beautiful beaches abroad, I never visit them.

And I never thought of taking a train to somewhere merely for the beach. I bet most of my friends were the same.

But the idea of going to a beach in the old town excited me. It's another new experience! I felt like walking on a new map every day.

I imagine what it feels like to stand on the wide spread of sand. would it be milky white or the colour of dirt? would my feet sink into the sand? Is it possible to play volleyball there? I wanna see it with my own eyes!

Also, the ocean. I saw it on the airplane. It is breathtaking. I wanna step my feet into the cool water in the summer day.

"We can go together, next week??" I asked
"Probably can't...I have vocal courses"
"oh? next week?"

She nodded. Lia said that she would be gone the next two weeks. She had been thinking about this when I was at summer game.

    I mean, she is good enough, but she thought she needed more professional training. And the opportunity knocked on her door, she can't let it slip away.

"You should go. I can wait till you're back"
    "Deal" she said.
"I will be staying at the dorm. I need to pack. Do you wanna come tomorrow? We can go shopping" She said it delightedly.

    I nodded and then we started cleaning the plates on the table. I went home by noon.

    On the subway home, I put on earbuds and listened to songs. All The Fucking Time is one of my favourite. Then, I was interrupted by a call from Chae.

    "What's up"
    "Do you remember those people from junior high? Class 3-F"
    "Some of them"
    "They asked if I would like to join their party. I am not good at social, you know that. But I don't wanna turn them down, so..."
    "So you want me to come? When?"
    "You do? Um, two hours later, at Mike's place"
    I got off at the next stop and transferred to another line. It would take about ten minutes to get there.

    I went to the same junior high as Chae. We weren't in the same class, but I knew some of her classmates.

    Chaeryeong isn't good at social stuff. When she is a general manager of the soccer team, she can handle it very well. And you may think that she has skills for that.

    But if you take that character from her, she is actually a shy girl. She needs that character to help her.

    I met her at the subway station and we walked to Mike's place.

    "Do you feel anxious?"
    She nodded, she said she didn't know what to do or what to say. Most of the time, she felt like
    I patted her back.
    "You can stay with me. Try to be relaxed, ok?" I winked at her and we arrived at the front door of Mike's house. I rang the bell.

    "Oh hi Chae! Wait a second, Is that Yeji?" Mike answered the door. I guess he was surprised to see me here.

    I greeted him with a hug and he led us in. The house was filled with electric music. People at every corner. Old faces and new faces. Drinks were on the tables. Alcohol and soft drink.

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