Chapter 30

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Saturday. Yeji and Lia were having breakfast at the table. They both had hot chocolate for drink. Lia put her both hands on the cup. Yeji put on a blanket over her shoulders. A cold wave came last night and made the temperatures drop. The sky was covered by heavy clouds. The cold wind dried the skin when it brushed pass your face.

"Should we go out today?" Yeji asked and took a sip of the hot chocolate. Lia nodded.
"See the movies? Record shop?" Lia said.
"Yeah, we can do both" Yeji checked her phone.
"But I may be leaving before dinner. I'm gonna go to my friend's place. There is a group project we need to talk it over"
"Guess I'll sleep alone tonight" Lia pouted

They finished the breakfast and changed. Lia put on leather jacket. Yeji wore a sweater and put on the beanie. They walked out and was soon greeted by cold wind.

They took a bus to the movie theatre. A long line could be seen from distance. They needed to check if anyone brings dangerous items. It took them three times longer than usual to get in.

After the movie, it was close to the lunch time. More people on the streets than an hour before. Yeji poured rest of the popcorn in mouth and Lia stood there, rubbing her hands.

"How about Christopher park? It's on the same street. There are cafe and food trucks" Lia said.
"Sure! We haven't been there after summer vacation" Yeji said and walked beside Lia.

After walking through a few traffic lights, they got there. Outside the park, volunteers from Anti were handing out flyers and books. They were mostly students, from college to high school.

They wandered to the statue of Christopher. There, one person after another, put the flowers under the stone statue and left. There were lots of white carnations and roses.

They bought carnations as well, white and red. They put it down with other flowers. The place was filled with the scent but it created a sad vibe.

They walked around the park and had lunch at a cafe nearby. Since people came to pay tribute to the greatest author in old town, this place felt more lively than before. The seats of the food trucks were full.

They went to record shop afterwards. There were a number of vinyl on the shelves. Yeji had been here three or four times. She felt that if she came here more often, maybe she would start considering buying a record player.

In the afternoon, they took a stroll to bus stop. Yeji was going back to new town. The shadow of the sign pole was printed on the sidewalk. The sunset spread its light on people. Lia stood at the bus stop and was coloured by the last few rays of sun. She looked as if she was tipsy.

"See you tomorrow" Yeji did the ICY opening gesture and got on the bus. Lia didn't leave until the bus was out of sight.


At night, the wind got stronger. It sounded like more wolves were howling outside the house. The clouds traveled fast in wind and blurred the moon. It looked like a scene in the movie they saw this morning.

Lia put on the earbuds and drew. The pencils and papers were scattered on desk. The digital clock showed 23:11. Maybe it is time to play that song by Taeyeon.

Buzz-buzz. Ryujin called her. Lia answered the phone but she heard Ryujin panting.

"Hey. Do me a favour. Is Yeji there?" her voice slightly trembled and sounded like she was having pain.
"No, she is in new town. You sound" Lia started to worry.
"I got hurt, near the train yard. I don't think I can walk. Can you pick me up? I sent you the location"
"Okay okay I saw it. I'm coming now. Keep yourself warm. It's cold outside" Lia ended the call and ran downstairs.

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