Chapter 37

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Yeji's POV

December sixth. In the afternoon, I walked out the school building and across the soccer field. The sky was dim. The soccer field was covered in the shadows of the building nearby.

The chain-link wall was still there, ten meters away from me. It reminded me the day I met Lia and the days we spent there. It warmed up my heart to just think about that.

The trees near the place we used to sit lost their leaves. Their branches swayed in the wind, the same cold wind that blew through the gaps of my scarf!

Away from school, the streets near the wall were nearly empty, and a bit creepy. Most of the stores closed the doors and pedestrians walked pass in a hurry. Streetlights looked lonely.

I went back to our home. All the schools in old town remained closed, so Lia was home with her dad.

We had dinner in the living room. The heater in the house was on. Lia's dad shared with me about the trips when they were in Canada. That's one of the parts I wished I could join! The stories of Lia before old town.

After dinner, we went upstairs and listened to songs. The world was changing so fast, but music didn't. It was soothing and pleasant. Lia chose the songs by Lorde.

Buzz-buzz. Someone called Lia. She picked it up and answered.
"Hello? This is Lia"
"Hi, we met under the bar, remember that?"
"Yes, good to hear your voice again" Lia said.
"Me too. Would you and your friend mind going out with me now?"

I don't mind. We haven't been on streets at night for a while. I nodded.
"How can we find you?"
"Walk out and you'll see me"

We put on coat and walked out the house. A taxi parked few meters away from the yard. She stood there and opened the door for us.

"How did you find here" I asked.
"Superpower" she sat at the shotgun seat and said.

The taxi drove off and took us to town centre. On the streets, I saw some Anti trucks full of people. People on the trucks held rifles in hands and were taken to the same direction.

"Why you wear the leather gloves?" Lia asked and brought my thoughts back into the car.
"My habit. You and I are criminals, but I'm way more popular than you among the police" she smiled.

We arrived at a cafe. The walls were painted white and its yellow lights made the place cozy. Most of the seats were occupied. We picked a place near the windows. We ordered three cups of lattes.

"I'm sorry for what happened last week. You two must have been worried about your friend" she took off the gloves and looked at us.
"We could've been more careful. You know, the victory really excites us. And somehow we forgot the threats are still out there"

The waiter brought us our drinks. It was hot and I held the cup with my both hands. She took a sip and put down the cup.

"Then what's your next plan?" Lia asked.
"I'm glad you ask. We have taken full control of the coastlines. They moved their men to other places. So at least we don't need to worry about our back"
"Our men are having battles at the train yard now. We can't lose it. We count on it to control the west border and we stored lots of weapons there as well" She said.

It made sense to what I saw on the streets. The trucks and men holding rifles. I tried not to think about how bad the battles would be.

"We will need to speed up, set more fire in the town and make the police run. There isn't much time left for us. We have to end this soon"
"How fast?" I asked. I can't wait anymore.
"Hard to say, but I hope you two can be with us when the moment comes. And before that, we should enjoy the hot lattes first"

The Wall |  Yejisu Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora