Chapter 29

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Lia's POV

Old town changed a lot. Before that, it rarely changed. It was a beautiful and slow-paced town. But it wasn't that anymore. It was like a dead volcano coming back alive. Lava was boiling underground and it had earthquakes every day.

I turned on the TV and watched news with dad in the living room. It was all about the burned houses of the council members. It happened in the weekend while dad and I was playing chess! I didn't even hear anything. Anti felt like ghost.

The mayor and a number of council members were evacuated to new town. Rest of them stood with people in the old town. They did everything they could to help anti. But at the same time, they needed to worry about being caught.


Wednesday morning. Yeji went to school after the breakfast. She had brown hair now. She said we needed to keep a low profile if we wanna help anti. Orange hair was too easy to be tracked and noticed.

I like her new brown hair, but I miss my fairy. The orange hair looked more good in autumn days. It feels like she is always warm.

And when Yeji went to school today, she looked much happier. Two days ago, she looked like a wet puppy. Her face told me everything. Lower eyes corners and weak smile. I asked her about it but she said it's fine. It wasn't her first time to be like this.

8:50. I parked the lady bike near a building and walked through the hallway to my classroom. I noticed some posters on the walls. It showed up in nearly every corner.

Anti Needs You. Students Association.

Other students stood in front of the posters too. I walked pass them and a girl waved hand at me. I recognised her. She helped me with stuff in Music Night. She is in student association.

"Good morning" She tucked her hands back into the pockets
"School let you to put the posters here?"
"We're testing them. If they don't ask us to take the posters down, you know what it's supposed to mean" She said and touched the poster on the walls.

I can't believe what I heard. Anti stretched their hands into school? It's all going too fast. I can't imagine school turning into next train yard.

"Will you take us to fight on the streets?"
"Not likely. We have a deal with them. They don't want students to get hurt. But if you really want to join a mission, they still accept"

The bell for the first class rang. Students left the hallway and into classrooms. She said to me before she left.

"You can join us. We have a lot of works to do from now on~" she gave me a smile and trotted up the stairs at the end of the hallway.

I think I have been one of them since the first time me and Yeji went to the creepy tunnel. We have entered the heart of anti group. We chose to go in this tunnel and the only way out is to dig it through.

The whole day went smoothly at school. In the afternoon, Yeji waited on the sidewalk for me. She wore that beanie! The colour resembled that of the ginkgo leaves above her head. A gut of wind came, a few leaves dropped and rested on Yeji's shoulders.

"Ginkgo fairy" I said and gave her a hug.
"Oh, I don't wanna be an one-thousand-year- old fairy" she chuckled and we walked down the slope arms in arms.
"Go home or go somewhere else?" She asked.

The sky was getting dark but I don't feel like going home now. We ended up going to a milk shake shop. It was at the street down the donut store. I biked and Yeji walked beside me.

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