Chapter 28 ~Heart palpitations~

Start from the beginning

Next I get out a frying pan from the cupboard and add some oil into it before placing it on the stove, cooking some sausage and bacon in it. Soon the kitchen is filled with the scent of meat cooking and it makes my stomach growl. I pick a piece of bacon out of the pan with my spatula and pop it in my mouth. Yum, seems cooked enough to me. Turning off the flame I scoop the meat from the pan and onto the barbecue sauce before spreading it around a little bit. Next I put some cut up salami on the meatlovers pizza and some more of the ham. Finally I cover it in mozzarella cheese again and put both trays in the oven, letting them cook. I look around the kitchen and smile, I didn't even make that much off a mess. Maybe I should become a pizza cooker. I run some warm water and fill the sink with it, adding some detergent. In it I scrub the pan and spatula I used to cook the meats, then I wipe the bench down with a sponge, clearing the sauce and toppings I spilt. Done. I check on the pizzas and see the cheese is just beginning to melt. I move out of the kitchen and grab my laptop from my school bag upstairs and sit down at the dinning table. I put my legs on the table, crossing them at the ankles and rest my laptop on my lap. With music still blaring, getting me in the mood I google all the things I need for a party, screw Kat. If she doesn't like something then we can work it out then.

A short time later and I've find a good deejay for a reasonable price. Once he found out who I was there was no problems. I think he might be a little disappointed when he finds out mum and John won't actually be there. Bobbing my head along to the music that's still blaring I continue to browse the internet on my laptop, searching for all the things I'll need for a party. Decorations. I'm sure a plain wall will be good enough for photos. The DJ is supplying lights and smoke machines. Food and drinks. I've got to find that somewhere. Speaking of food, As I get up from my chair Earned it by The Weeknd begins to play and I shake my head as I remember what my mum said about me going to see fifty shades of grey with Ashley. Dancing to the oven I move my hips in time with the beat and turn on the light to see that they are basically cooked. I turn off the oven and get a tea towel, taking out the hot trays from the oven and placing them on the metal racks of the stove to cool. I continue dancing and singing to Earned it which is still playing.

"Cause girl you're perfect, you're always worth it, and you deserve it, the way you work it."

"We've got to stop meeting like this." I hear an amused voice speak from behind me. I spin around and see Ashley and Cameron standing on the other side of the counter near the front door both of them holding their sports bags. I turn down the music and take in their facial expressions. Are they still pissed about the Chelsea thing?

"No company this time?" I ask hesitantly, waiting for their moods to appear.

"Nope, sorry to disappoint, just us." Cam remarks.

"I made pizza." I smile innocently and instantly Cameron's face lights up into a grin.

"Holy shit I love you." He laughs coming around to my side of the bench. Laughing he comes and hugs me and I pat his back with a giggle.

"It's just pizza."

"No I mean with Chelsea!" He exclaims pulling away. "That was fucking awesome it was like the most action that's ever happened between two chicks from our school. And god I wish you'd just punched her, for the amount of time she's been giving you shit I was surprised it took until now for you to snap. Man." He sighs leaning back against the bench. Well at least someone isn't angry.

"Wait where's your pants?" He asks looking down at my bare legs. I blush. Right, forgot about that.

"I had a shower and only had pj pants." I mumble.

"You can use some of mine." He rolls his eyes.

"Hey! It's not my fault. My mum packed my suitcase!"

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