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Oh the crashing, such a wonderful view I!/'t it :)

Alexa play The view by Straykids so we can watch this shit crumble to pieces

This is a joke and an exaggeration lmao


"I hate it when new recruits get here.", Mario sighed, throwing his head back as Jisung pretended to be offended by his side.

Hyunjin had been called to the south end, something about a hurt kid that Jisung didn't want to attend, simply because his back still hurt.

Minho had been a little bitch about it and as they got there in the morning, even with Yeji wiggling his eyebrows at them, the older slightly hit his ass, making him whimper and looking away, the situation seeming pretty on accident but still making the girl's eyes widened and a chuckle leave her throat.

Ryujin had looked at him very suspiciously the whole day after that, but as soon as the weekend's shift trainees arrived she went and hid herself in her tower, not in the mood for the high pitched sounds that came out of two of them.

Jisung hated being mean to people, but Minho had already went pass them in the tent three times with the two trainees, a boy and a girl around 18, probably more, and the younger was not exaggerating when he told Mario they looked like Sharpey and Ryan from High school Musical, if they had swallowed flutes.

After that comment Mario had totally lost his shit and laughed for 5 while minutes, now none of them could unsee it, and it was hard to not laugh at them every time they asked a question, when they were not busy drooling over everything Minho did.

Which was not very usual since that day started.

"I am a trainee, you absolute idiot!"

Mario chuckled, following the trainee with his eyes as he tried to touch Minho's back on accident, not realizing how Jisung by his side tried his hardest to keep his gaze away from that scene.

"You're okay, I mean the youngest ones, they don't have the course, they're just trying to either make some money or get into someone's pants, those two clearly want Minho.

Jisung gulped, looking in their direction as the older smiled to the girl as well.

He was just doing his job.

And being nice.

Why was he being nice?

Minho was cold. Cold as a stone, why was he smiling at the blondie like that?

"Y-you think he-"

"Not the boy.", Mario shrugged. "He's not into that kind of ... he's not like that.", Mario hissed. "That sounded wrong, I'm not being a homophobic prick, I promise, I have no problems with any of our colleagues who like guys, I don't even have the right to have a problem with it, but Minho is not one of them. Maybe the girl, though. She's cute, apparently his type, if we think about his ex.", Mario rolled his eyes. "Blonde and annoying."

"Yeah.", Jisung tried to smile.

He spoke facts.

"Anyway, we should be able to go to lunch now, got anything in mind?"

Jisung looked over at Minho right the second he was coming for them. The two puppies after him almost wiggling their invisible tails around as the chief looked at Mario, a soft smile still on his face.

"Do you know where Chan is? I need him to take Connor up to the North end to Brian. He wants that side, we have no one there anyway."

Mario nodded, motioning at the younger.

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