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Will be busy later on so I'm publishing already heh

So, I think we all saw Hyunjin's hair??? I'm sobbing I love him anyway but I was already missing his short hair a bit ngl, now it's time to miss the blonde hair


Chan black hair 😭 love it

Domino choreo? Chef's kiss.

Itzy's comeback? Leaving me loco.

That was all I had to say :)

Alexa play Domino by Straykids.


The day took ages to start, Jisung could swear if they wanted too, the two boys could have fished dinner for the whole crew including the weekend shift and the volunteers.

He counted waves like they were sheep, rolled his eyes at Hyunjin trying to fix a lose end of the cover they had around the chairs and material, and saw two seagulls court right in front of his salad.

But, truth be told, when people finally started coming he could only panic and wish he had to see more seagulls doing their thing instead of having to deal with that.

It was 8 am sharp and the beach was already full, thousands of people in the water, surfers, kids, elders, every kind of person you could ever imagine.

Something about that was amusing to Jisung's eyes. The beach was full of different races and colors, smiles and languages, costumes and couples, families of any kind.

It was beautiful.

Jisung's eyes focused on a particular couple, two girls, who held hands next to the shore, smiling mike they owned the world, he couldn't help it but to smile at their backs.

They felt good there, they felt safe.

There were so many different people there the different was the new normal.

Would his different be okay, though?

Jisung had always struggled with his sexuality. Not that he wasn't sure of it, or that he tried to deny it, no. He knew what he liked, and that was d-

Boys. Men.

And d-


The thing was, he had never told anyone, not a single soul, not even Felix. He would longly stare at his crushes throughout high-school and almost rant to Felix about them, only then remembering that was his little secret. He never spoke to Felix about these matters, or with anyone, so he had no idea what was his bestfriend's take on it.

And maybe, he didn't quite want to find out.

He was pulled away from his thought by lunch time, after scolding himself for not paying attention to the shore. Hyunjin had been walking around next to the summer camp that brought most of the kids to the center of the beach, and everything seemed just fine.


Jisung jumped from his chair at the shouts, and Noah was the first person he saw. The older lifeguard jumped from a recently arrived buggy and grabbed his board, followed by Wonpil. The two ran to the water and Hyunjin let his chin drop at their speed.

People all stepped away, and the two new lifeguards watched in awe as the duo entered the sea, swiftly moving past the impact zone and cutting the waves like they didn't push them the other way.

It was out of this world.

Wonpil got there first, even though the blonde had left the sand first, and Jisung only understood why a few seconds after.


There were two people in trouble.

And he hadn't seen any.

"It's okay, kid, don't worry.", a lazy arm around his shoulder, a weird accent next to his year. "Happens all the time, you'll see this from 5 to 5 minutes when the orange heads can't deal with it. Simplest saving we have."

"N-but, they're drowning."

Mario snorted and patted Jisung's head.

"I know, but they'll save them. This is the simplest thing that happens around here, Christopher meant it when he said this was hell."

The squirrel like boy gulped, watching as the two reached the sand, bringing the people.

Wonpil had a Caucasian male with him, breathing hard and not able to stand straight. Hyunjin ran to help carry the man to the buggy.

"Probably pos drowning, we need to get him to the hospital, too much water."

"I-i'm o-okay.", the man tried to deny, but wonpil rolled his eyes, cursing in Korean. "Sir, with all the respect, you are in no shape to-"

"What he means is you have too much water inside your lungs and if you don't go to the hospital you might die by drowning inside your own body." Noah spat at the man, rolling his eyes and throwing his head band to the floor. The man's eyes went wide and he went quiet.

"Your lady?"

"Good, could walk back to the towel, let's get this man to the tower, you, tell the central to call the ambulance."

Jisung nodded fast and immediately communicated to whoever was on the tower, his hand trembling at the simple task.

"Done- oh, they're gone."

"Things happen fast in this beach, kid. You did good though, both of you, you kept calm."

"You didn't go with them?", Jisung eyed the Spanish guy.

"No space on the buggy. Also I am your senior and I know how hard it is to see all this for the first time.", he said in his broken English, the accent made Jisung smile. "Even if it was a simple rescue, not many people around here will care about how you guys are feeling while you find out the harder and scarier things here."

Hyunjin nodded, greeting the guy in silence.

"Is Noah one of the best?"

Mario seemed to think for a bit.

"Not the best, but maybe one of. He does think he is the best, though. One thing you must never do that he always does is trying to go against Minho.", he lowered his voice, as if someone could snitch on him. "They have the worst relationship here and we have a few guys that aren't in amazing terms. He never approves of Minho's decisions and he thinks he'd do a better job as the chief. You should also never go on his talks. I like him a lot as a person but his need to be the best sometimes leads him to really fuck up."

"No listening to Noah, got it.", Hyunjin chuckled at the shorter.

"That. I have to go now, I'm needed to drive the next time. See you, you're doing a great job."  He winked and left the guys, but Jisung couldn't even blink the rest of the day. Scanning the water time after time, begging to not lose anyone from sight.


Mario is the comfort character lmao and I have no idea why but I just imagine so clearly?

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