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Well I am very late again hah



I have a huge headache and it's late LATE but I am doing college work 😗

Alexa play Mixtape 3 by Straykids.


The weekend was at half when Felix had had enough.

He rolled his eyes and huffed loudly, as if warning his best friend he was coming in. He unlocked the door to the older's bedroom and jumped in his bed, hoping the smell of the cheesecake he had bought minutes ago was enough to get the squirrel guy to smile again, or at least to get up.

"Jisung, it's 8pm on a Saturday, you need to get over it."

"Jisung is not available, try again later. Or never.", the voice came from under a pill of blankets.

"Come on, I bought you you favorite cheesecake." Silence. "Ji?"

"I will eat it, but I won't come out."

Felix sighed, roughly pulling the covers down. Jisung dramatically shouted and covered his eyes.

"No! I can't see!"

"It's dark in here, you didn't even lift-"

"It's not darker than my future."

Felix scoffed, hitting his butt over the covers.

"You've been spending too much time with Hyunjin's dramatic ass."

The boy rubbed his eyes, his hair all messy from the whole day in bed.

"He has a nice ass, maybe you should date him, he will keep you company when I'm fired."

Felix raised a questioning brow.

"All of a sudden it's okay if I date him?"

That was all it took for the shorter to sit up on the bed, eyes narrowed and a finger pointed at Felix.

"Why? Are you interested?", Felix shrugged, smirking. "Really?"

"He's cute, not my usual type of person-"


"but, still cute, wouldn't mind it."

Jisung huffed, rolling his eyes even though he wondered inside, if that was more than a joke.

Would Felix ever date a guy?

"I take it back, don't date him."

"You can't be fired, then.", the taller smiled as if he had won the lottery. "Which means you need to get out of bed and come eat, so you are strong enough to go to work on Monday and stop me from fucking him on the back of the tower's bathroom."

"I will puke.", Jisung whined, covering his face with his hands. " take me to the cheesecake."

"Food first, and don't even cry about it or I will hit you."

"That's domestic violence.", the squirrel boy pouted, getting up and lazily following his house mate.

"Are we married?"

"No, but we share a house, so it's still domestic violence."

"Maybe you should go back to bed because you're not saying anything good."

Jisung smiled at the guy again as he plopped down on the island chairs, his smile fading as Felix moved to heat something for them.

He loved Felix with all his heart, there was no best friend in this earth or another that could ever mean so much to Jisung as Felix did, and that's what made him feel so bad about never telling him the whole truth about him.

Felix was there when his parents divorced, he was there when he left his grandparent's home and when they died. He was there through the toughest situation in his life. He was there through Jisung's first break up, when he realized girls weren't for him, and he was there during their school years.

Felix had always been there for him, and yet Jisung couldn't tell him that one thing.

He had to put up with his friend wiggling his eyebrows every time a girl showed interest in him, telling him to go for it while all he wanted was to run away.

Without him even noticing, small tears started coming out of his eyes to the table, his hands started shaking a bit as memories of all the times he had almost told his bestfriend about his sexual orientation flooded his mind and he felt the fear of them all over again. Even though Felix always played about dating and fucking guys, it was just him joking, and he always made sure that was clear after, as he he needed to let Jisung know he would never.

What if he was disgusted at it?

"Ji? Babe, why are you crying?", Felix quickly turned off the stove and moved next to him, cupping Jisung's face and whipping his tears. "What happened? You know that bitch isn't worth your tears, right?"

"T-that bitch?"

"Minho and his harsh speeches or whatever he calls that trying to be the boss-"

"No, I-it's not that...", Jisung gulped, whipping his own face as well. "I'm sorry, forget-"

"Babe, you suddenly have these episodes all the time, you worry me..."

"Can you... please not call me that?", Jisung couldn't help it but to let out a sob at Felix's confused face, but the taller nodded.

"Can I know why?"

"I wish you could, Lix... b-but I don't want you to hate me-"

"I will never.", he stated, cupping his face again and forcing Jisung's wet eyes to meet his. Jisung knew Felix was also hurting. He knew there was something the boy never told him but he never pressured.

Maybe that was enough.

Jisung took his hand and squeezed it, letting tears freely run down his face.

"Can I... just whisper it really fast and... I don't know I'm scared."

Felix placed a kiss on his bestfriend's forehead and smiled.

"You know I'll support you in anything, even if we need to hide a body together."

Jisung didn't laugh. Instead he bit his lip, closed his eyes and choked a sob before whispering as quietly as it was possible for the human voice.

"I'm gay."

Felix gasped lightly, face palming.

"Oh god, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!", he mumbled, scooting closer to Jisung.

"S-sorry for what?"

Felix smiled, whipping his tears again.

"I pushed you to so many girls, I thought you just needed to forget about that one relationship and-"

"Felix, it's okay." His voice was trembling. "I don't care, but are you... okay with it?"

The taller let his mouth fall.

"Of course I am! Who do you think I am ji? I love you to death, I would never hate you specially for this. Why were you worried?"

The shorter gulped, feeling the weight he carried for years leave his shoulders, way too suddenly to feel true.

"This feels too simple."

"I am simple, and so is this situation.", Felix took his hand again. "You're who you are, as simple as that. No need to worry or anything. I love you. Who you are. And I'll love every version of you I'll meet."

Jisung rolled his eyes, pretending to not be that touched by his best friend's words.

"Cheesy mother fucker."

His heart was lighter, though, when he went to sleep that night.


Sobbing inside

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