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I'm not even late lmao i'ms super late.

Anyways, the action has begun :)

Alexa okay So What by Loona.


"Are you finished?"

Jisung smiled to himself at the accent, turning to Mario and nodding.

"All done, is the tower closed?"

"Jeongin's putting the last buggy in, you know how he is the only person capable of not hitting those walls."

"True, well, I am staying back for a while, I need to catch some waves."

"Are you sure?", Jisung nodded. "Well, be careful, the sun is hiding and there are no lifeguards from now on, you know how dangerous these hours are."

"I know, Mario. I will."

"Okay, kiddo, see you tomorrow, and hey.", he smiled, giving him a thumbs up. "You've been amazing this week, don't beat yourself up, you're doing a great job."

Jisung thanked the older, not able to contain his giggles as the spanish guy walked away.

"Hey, ready to go?", Felix and Jeongin appeared right after he went away, the younger looking tired as hell.

"I'm staying."

Felix pouted.

"But I don't want to go home alone."

"I'm staying too, I'm waiting for Chan Hyung, He's helping me with school stuff.", Jeongin smiled but his eyes were barely open.

"School?", Jisung tilted his head.

"I'm in college, I want to take a biology course while I work here, that's why I usually leave earlier and the buggies stay out, I have night classes."

"You should rest more, you look dead."

"I know.", he shrugged. "Hard work will be worth it. Are you catching waves?"

"Trying. Felix, Hyunjin and Yeji were going to take Ryujin home, that's close to our house."

Felix nodded, waving at the taller, motioning him to wait.

"You'll be okay?"

"Yeah, I'll find my way home."

Felix squeezed his hand.

"You better."


Jisung caught one last wave after a whole hour, the sun finally setting and the breeze growing colder as people left the beach, only the brave and the stupid remaining. He let his body slowly leave the board when he got out of the impact zone, feeling shivers run down his spine as he got up, the wind and the cold water freezing him immediately.

He loved to be in the water at night, though.

"Come here, you'll catch a cold."

Jisung smiled at the older and let the towel be placed around his shoulders, the wet shirt glueing to his torso as he sat on the sand next to a sleeping Jeongin.

"How much did he last?"

"15 minutes after you went in he just fell asleep.", Chan smiled and covered the younger with his jacket. "He deserves it, he's been working hard, harder than any kid I know his age."

Jisung smiled and also adjusted his towel, taking the food Chan offered him and placing it over his board as a table.

"You're really good out in the water, you know? I thought I was watching a professional surfer."

"I'm not that good, but I used to do surf, before I even thought of becoming a life guard."

Chan nodded, eating as well.

"You know, the capacity test makes us use boards as well, but not that way, and the way you cut through those waves was very useful, even for savings. It might not be the traditional way but you could break an impact zone like that."

"I'd have to be fast enough, though."

"You would. I'm not telling you to try, but you would."

Jisung chuckled.

"Now it sounds like a challenge. When are you leaving?"

"Taking Jeongin home at 11. Promised his mom."

Jisung smiled.

"He's a prodigy, isn't he?"

Chan shrugged.

"Kinda. He's just really hard working. You know, he used to be bullied a lot as a kid, so he wanted to help people out, he never thought of doing it through life guarding, but ended up liking it. He gets to protect people, maybe not the way he wanted to, but at least he enjoys it."

"Bullied? For what?"

Chan's expression turned angry, even under the faint moonlight, Jisung could see a vein sticking out.

"Being gay. People are seriously homophobic in 2021." Jisung's insides twitched and he gulped. "Wait, you're not-"

"No, god no don't even finish that sentence. I can't... okay no I can believe, I've met a lot of homophobic people before but god... he's an angel."

"He is." Chan sighed. "He used to have a crush on me, apparently." He chuckled. "Don't get me wrong He's adorable, but I've dated for long, I'm actually getting married next year. I just want him to find someone that will treat him the right way."

Jisung nodded.

"Marriage, hm?"

"Yeah.", he chuckled. "He's amazing, dated since highschool, actually." Chan moved a strand of Jeongin's hair away from his face. "I think he's got an eye out for Hyunjin now, it scares me a bit."

Jisung was still processing the fact that Chan had said he, and he almost chocked in air.


Chan bit his lip.

"I don't know him enough but he looks... I don't want to be mean or stereotypical but he looks like a player to me. Maybe I'm just protective of Innie."

"Maybe. Hyunjin's cool. I didn't think so too, but... there's much more to him that it looks."

"Also have an eye on him?"

"God no." He chuckled, Chan following. "Not at all."

Chan smiled, starting at the shorter with a weird expression, as if he was trying to figure something out.

"You're like an enigma, Han Jisung, and there's a lot of layers to that. I'm not sure what, or why, but I just know you'll be big around here. You bring change with you, I'm just not sure what kind of change."

"This seems like one of those dragon movies. I'm the hero and you're that creepy old man that hears prophecies in shells and tells me that I can either save the world or destroy it."

"Did you just call me old?"

Jisung got up, running away from the older, laughing as all heads on the beach turned to the two idiots running towards the, now, dark water.

"That's not what I meant!"

Later, after Chan caught him and after they played a while, after both him and Jeongin left the beach and midnight came, Jisung found himself on his board, floating on the calm water as small waves hit the sand behind him, creating the only sound the moon could hear. Darkness surrounded him, but it held so much more than the day did.

He let his legs swing back and forward in the water, one of each side of the board, hearing the slapping and smiling at the night breeze.

He didn't know what he felt, but there was a fire in his chest, fighting against all that coldness, like he was on the right place after all.

Maybe Chan was right, maybe that was his dragon movie, after all.


I didn't revise this chapter I got lazy

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