154. Twoset Timetravellers II

Start from the beginning

Brett and Eddy stepped out of the supermarket.

"So where would you meet up with Belle?"

"Just right around the corner there... OMG I think I can see her running over..."

"Eddy.. I think she's being chased by a dog?"

The young girl was in tears, running away from the medium size dog that kept nipping at her legs

"H.. help..!!"


Eddy swiftly picked up his sister out of reach of the young cattle dog. She dropped her piano bag which fell to the ground.  Brett reached down and grabbed the leash the dog had been dragging along.   He also picked up Belle's bag.  As he stood back up he saw a young man running over towards them.

"Hey thanks mate, he just got away from me. I'm sorry to have scared her, is she okay?"

"Yeah I think so, I think she was just frightened."

"Look sweetie, I'm really sorry. He was just being playful but it must have been quite scary for you."

The young man thanked Brett as he took the leash and walked away.

Eddy whispered to his sister;

"Belle, are you hurt?"

She had her arms wrapped around Eddy's neck as she cried.

"It tried to bite me..!!"

"It's okay, the owner said he was just trying to be friendly. But I understand it would've been very scary for you. It's okay now, the owner has taken his dog away.."

Belle suddenly flinched and stretched out her arms.

"..Sir, please put me down. You're a stranger.."

"Belle, I'm not going to hurt you.."

Belle furrowed her brows and had a good look at Eddy.

"How did you know my name? ...Daddy? ...I mean, are you my uncle that I've never met before?"

"..No, I'm not your Daddy..nor your uncle."

Belle stared at Eddy's face.



Eddy gave a wry smile as he gently put Belle down to the ground.

"You're such a smart girl Belle."

"Belle!! You said help!! Where is the doggie!?"

Belle turned around. It was little Eddy holding a stick. She smiled towards her brave little brother.

"Hey Eddy.. thanks for coming to my rescue, I'm okay now."

Little Eddy looked up towards Eddy's face.

"He's the man in the supermarket. He looks like Daddy.."

Still with furrowed brows, his sister agreed.

"Yeah he does.. doesn't he."

They then all heard another man's voice from around the corner.

"Eddy? Why did you run off like that? Kids? Belle? Eddy? Are you two there?"

"Y, yes Daddy, we're fine."

Belle looked up at Eddy. She then gave her little brother a glance before she returned her gaze back up to Eddy.

"You're him.. aren't you?"

Eddy scrunched up his face and sniffled."

Belle smiled.

"You still do that as a grown-up when you get caught out?"

Eddy smiled.

"You are a very smart little girl."

"Hey who're you calling a little girl?"

"Belle, is everything alright...?"

Eddy bit his lower lip.

"I was just leaving. Bye Belle, Eddy.. C'mon Brett, let's go"

Brett quickly handed Belle her piano bag and walked after Eddy.

"Belle, who was that?"

"Daddy.. just some uncles who helped me from a dog that was chasing me"

"I think I saw one of them in the supermarket. He looked kinda familiar."

"Mhm I wouldn't know Daddy."

"Oh, we gotta get home quickly. Your mother had asked to come straight home today."


".. I can't remember, but I'm not about to risk not doing what I've been asked to do. C'mon."

His father held out his hands to his children.

Eddy smiled and tugged on his Dad's large hand.

"Daddy, Daddy, I have a playdate."

"You do?"

Eddy held his father's hand as he happily chatted as he walked home.

"We are going to play with blocks and trains!! He's my friend from pre-school. He's really funny..."

They arrived home. As Belle opened her front door, she simultaneously heard her mother's voice from inside the house and her little brother still chatting away to her father.

"Guys! You're late! Our little guest is already here!"

"Daddy, Daddy, my playdate is my best friend, his name is Brett!!"

Belle recalled the "large" Eddy's last words;

"I was just leaving. Bye Belle, Eddy.. C'mon Brett, let's go"

She peered into the living room and saw a little boy sitting on the sofa. Pitch black hair with strong yet kind eyes with porcelain white skin. Belle smiled.

"Hello Brett, I'm Eddy's sister Belle. I bet you are Eddy's best friend. I bet you two are gonna stay best friends forever <3"

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