153. Twoset Manga-ka VII

Start from the beginning

He tossed a cushion on the bed as a pillow then threw himself onto the bed to lie down. He had his blanket on him as he stretched out his limbs then sighed and tried to relax... After the long sigh, he inhaled deeply through his nose..


It's Eddy.

Brett cast his eyes towards the dark ceiling as he slowly shook his head.

He then realised he had a choice of getting all weird about it, or just to enjoy the pseudo sense that he was embraced by his muse. He was too tired to think twice and chose the latter.

The next day, Eddy's phone rang;


"Hi Eddy!!"

Eddy pulled the phone away from his ear to double check the name of the caller.



"Man, you sound a heck of a lot better than yesterday."

Brett chuckled.

"Did I sound that bad yesterday?"

"Yeah, you sounded like sh*t."

"Why thank you Eddy, good morning to you, too."

"Sorry, it's just that you threw me. So you slept better on the sofa bed last night?"

"Um.. yeah... I did... thanks. Um ...sorry this isn't a social call but a work one. I'm stuck with a scene."

"No worries. Which scene?"

"The kiss scene."

Eddy smiled.

"Oh so you finally drew it ? That's great !!"

"Yeah I bloody left it long enough... I was motivated to draw it this morning but somehow it doesn't look right."

"...But Brett, it's one of your fields of expertise!!"

"Thanks, you make me sound like a good kisser Eddy."

Brett instantly regretted saying what he said.

Eddy grinned.

"I said kiss scene, not actual kissing. Not that I'd know."

Now Eddy regretted what he said.

"Um.. y'know what I meant. Like as if I'd know how good you are in the real 3-dimensional world"

Eddy internally cringed by saying something that made things worse.

"F*ck Eddy you make it sound like I'm only worth anything in the 2-dimensional manga world."

Eddy chuckled, relieved they've managed to restore the conversation.

"Oh I didn't say that.. It's just that you draw them so sensually, I really like them. Your kissing scenes, that is. So... what's the problem?"

"Alright lemme share my screen... here's the lead up.. and turn page.. this is the drawing here. This frame..."

Brett double-tapped the image he was working on to maximise it on his screen.

"Wow.. it's nice."

"It looks unnatural though. I'm wondering if it's the angle."

"That is a very steep inclination as a prospective. It's like an ant's point of view."

As an ex-art student, Eddy appreciated the prospective angle Brett implemented in his drawing and the sense of presence it brought to the picture.

"Yeah maybe it was too powerful.. almost looks a bit forceful?"

"I don't think it's forceful but yeah definitely a powerful scene, very dramatic. I personally really like it."

"Thanks but it doesn't go with the story if it appears too powerful.. it's meant to be a more... let's say a natural kiss."

Eddy smirked.


"...Why'd you say that?"

"Well.. is there even such a thing as a natural kiss in this kind of situation?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's their first kiss after all the drama they've gone through. How could it be natural? Their hearts would be trying to beat out of their chests. And your dramatic angle captures that."

"Hmm.. well I just wish I could tame it down a bit."

"Well.. you could get a softer picture if you drew it from the other side.. the girl's side..?"

Eddy pointed at the shared screen to suggest an alternative focal point and projected some lines with his stylus.

"You drew it with a perspective from behind the guy... there's too much dude on your pic"

Eddy then noticed something else.

"Brett.. it's the guy's hands"


"They're... too .. grabby"


"Isn't this their first kiss ever for the both of them?"


"I don't think he'd hold her face like that for their first kiss."


"I think that's why it feels off. Because of the inconsistency."


"S, sorry..!!"

"No.. you're right."

Eddy heard the familiar noise of Brett pushing his chair back and getting up from his seat.

"Brett..? Are you alright?"

"Yeah.. of course I am.. I just want to get myself a coffee. Keep talking, I can still hear you."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah.. look, I've kinda been in a bit of a slump since we've been in lockdown."


"Yeah it sucks. It's probably because I don't get to bounce ideas off with you so that I'm clear on what I'm drawing.. it just hasn't been feeling right y'know."

Eddy realised he had not turned on his video yet.

"Brett when you come back, can we switch to video chat?"

"Huh? Why?"

Eddy bit his lower lip.

"I dunno, I just wanna see your face."

He tried to make it sound as natural as possible.

He heard from a distance, Brett's chuckle.

"Alright, if you insist."

"I do Brett."

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