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Jisung and Jeongin started to push through the crowd, which were mostly made up of young children and their parents. Once they did, they couldn't believe their eyes.

" C'mon kids, sing along with us! Gary the Giraffe chews while Dino the Dinosaur rawrs~,". Both boys in the crowd turned towards those around them, seemingly being faced with complete silence. It was clear in the children's faces just how horribly they were doing.

The pair on the stage hadn't noticed their presence just yet, and so they continued on as normal. Jisung and Jeongin couldn't help but watch in complete awe.

" Ow! Gary, you should watch where you're going, or I'm going to eat you right up,", Chan said in a cutesy voice. He waddled up to Minho and pinched his cheeks. Chan could've swore his life flashed before his eyes, but he maintained his role.

Minho hissed back at Chan before returning to his ungraceful role. " Oh no! Dino, please don't~". He got done on all four and started to jump across the stage.

Chan roared as believably as he could and "chased" after him. Minho kept jumping around until he couldn't. He completely froze. There he was. The one person he hoped he wouldn't see that night.


"Minho~", Chan tried to get his attention, yet he wouldn't move. " Minh- I mean, Gary~ why aren't you-" Chan followed Minho's gaze carefully. -"Oh..". Chan watched as two specific boys held back their laughter, in the crowd, as best they could. Minho couldn't deal with it all anymore.

He quickly stood up and ended the show best he could. He pulled Chan and yanked his head towards Minho's neck. " Ah, Dino ate Gary and that's what we call the food chain, kids! That will be all for tonight, get home safely!". He barely managed to wave everyone off before he sprinted as fast as he could.

"Minho, wait!" Jisung yelled out, but it seemed almost ineffective at that point. He sighed before looking back at the stage. Chan still remained in his place.

" I- uh.. I gotta go!", he was close to getting away as Minho had previously done, but got stopped by Jisung. " Wait! Can you tell me where Minho went? I need to talk to him, please?"

Chan debated it with himself because on one hand he knew the boy was probably humiliated, yet he also knew they had to face each other at some point. " Yeah, I guess. Follow me,".

Knock. Knock again. Third time knocking and Jisung knew deep down that Minho was trying his hardest to avoid him. He wouldn't allow that over something so silly.

" Minho? Love, please open the door? I really want to see you,". Silence was heard from the other side of the door, until Jisung heard what seemed to be sniffles coming from the room.

" Minho? Are you crying? Please open the door,". Minho wiped his tears and slowly stood up. " Why don't you go away? I can't look at you right now,".

" I'm not leaving no matter what you tell me, so might as well open the door now,". Minho bit his lip, but soon gave in. He walked towards the door slowly, his heart beating at god's speed, and with a shaking hand, swung the door open.

Jisung threw him a smile so adoring, Minho felt his heart melt just like the first time he saw him. Jisung immediately met Minho with open arms and pulled him close.

" Don't make me worry like that again, Minho. I swear, next time I'll knock down the door,".

Minho smiled softly and relaxed into his touch. He soon lifted his arms and carefully wrapped them around the other, almost as if he was afraid he'd break at any moment.

Jisung was the first to pull away and examined his boyfriend's face. Gently, he lifted his hands up and wiped away the streaks of tears that painted his cheeks. Although he hated the boy crying, no one could deny the beauty that was illustrated by the boy he loved.

He wasn't the only one who stared deeply at the other. Minho's hands still remained resting upon Jisung's small waist, and with that, came a great advantage. As Jisung seemingly became distracted by the other, Minho suddenly needed to ask him something.

" Hey Jisung?"

The boy hadn't answered him, only hummed in response.

" Can I kiss you?". The feeling of the younger boy's fingers on his skin stopped. He felt almost afraid as to how the other boy would respond. Instead, Minho kept his eyes looking down at his feet.

Soon enough he felt Jisung's hands move from his cheeks to his jaw, where he then lifted Minho's head back up and grinned.

In just a split second, the two closed the gap that kept them apart. Soft and sweet. That's the way Jisung would describe how Minho's lips felt and tasted. They moved in sync as they tongues met and happily danced together.

Minho tightened his fingers around Jisung's waist and pulled him closer, space between them no longer existing. He pulled him inside the room and shut the door behind them, pushing Jisung back against the wall.

Ever so often, the younger would moan softly into the others lips as Minho only gripped him harder, not in a way to hurt him, but as a way of communicating, letting him know that he enjoyed every second they spent together in complete bliss.

It was only them in that moment. No disturbance. Just silence and their closeness. They could only hope it would stay that way forever.

Minho soon came to a conclusion that Jisung had his own special ways of answering his questions.


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