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Jisung and Hyunjin decided to hang out a bit at Jisung's house. He didn't really want to spend it alone at the expense of overthinking everything today.

" Mom, I'm home!" Hyunjin yelled out in the living room. A slight chuckle could be heard from the kitchen. Jisung's mom came walking into the room and went to hug both boys.

" Hi, honey, how are you doing? Are you boys hungry?," She looked towards both boys and observed Hyunjin more carefully. " My god, you've gotten so thin. You know what? I'll fix you boys up with something nice. Go put your stuff away," she more directed towards Jisung.

He nodded his head and pulled Hyunjin up with him. He put his backpack right next to his door and went straight to his bed. He jumped in and wrapped himself with his blanket.

Hyunjin smiled softly at the view. If he wasn't already in love with Seungmin, he would've fallen for his best friend. Kind of gross if you thought about it. He sighed and went to sit by him.

" Jisung, you can't hide in there forever. Just tell me what happened today! You're usually so bubbly, it was disturbing to see you be otherwise,". Jisung groaned, but pulled his head out of his sheets. He slowly sat himself up and looked at his friend. Hyunjin nodded at him to speak up.

Jisung scratched his neck. " Look, if I'm being honest, I don't know. I woke up just fine, and then I wasn't,". Hyunjin furrowed a bit at his explanation. There had to be more to it.

" Well, did anything happen this morning that made you mad? Or upset? There has to be something Ji, it can't just magically happen," Hyunjin encouraged Jisung to speak more on the topic.

Jisung thought carefully. He truly couldn't think of anything. " How about you walk me through your morning and we'll go from there, mkay?", Hyunjin suggested towards the younger.

Jisung nodded and cleared his throat. " Alright, well I woke up, got ready and went to school. Nothing out of the ordinary there. I got to school and went to my locker, where I put my things away, as you know,". Hyunjin followed carefully, making sure to listen to each and every word he spoke.

He wasn't usually so attentive, but his friend was upset and he'd do anything to make him feel better.
" I saw Minho hyung at that moment too. I wanted to talk to him, but he's always been so busy with Jeongin lately. He's always waiting for him at his locker, carrying his backpack, sharing his food with him. It's a bit childish if you ask me. Jeongin's sixteen for god sake,".

Hyunjin suddenly started laughing out loud. Jisung couldn't understand what was so funny about what he said. It was the truth. He sat pouting in his bed, while he watched his friend laugh for no reason.

" What's so funny? I'm trying to tell you something very important and you laugh?" Jisung glared at him. Hyunjin waved his hands and wiped his tears after. He just couldn't believe how stupid yet simple this all was.

" Ji-Jisungie! Can you not see what's happening?". Jisung couldn't understand for the life of him. It felt like he was in math class all over again. Irritated, he got up and went to sit at his desk instead.

" Can you just explain what's so funny? Don't make this harder for me than it already is," Jisung responded over his shoulder. He pulled out his sketchbook and started to doodle instead.

" Han Jisung, you're jealous!"

The sound of the pencil against paper suddenly stopped.

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