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" Listen, before I tell you this, you have to promise you won't hold this against, please hyung?" . Jisung knew that once these words left his mouth there was no going back. Minho nodded eagerly as a response.

" Right.. so the other, possible reason as to why you may or may not have heard about that incident may be because I practically begged Hyunjin not to,".

That's all? Minho thought silently. Okay.. but the question now was why would Jisung have cared that much if Minho heard anything about it? Hadn't the boy basically hate him for what seemed forever?

Jisung stared at the older, trying to find any sign of what he was trying to say, yet there were none. Minho hadn't looked all too confused. That was until..

" Didn't you take a dislike in me? Why would it have mattered if I knew or not, hm?"

That's exactly what Jisung had been fearing for so long. Confrontation. Maybe it was a bad idea that he brought that up.

Minho felt his eyes widen and suddenly gasped out loud, all while causing Jisung to internally cringe inside as he soon realized that Minho had finally connected the dots.

" No way, did you..?"

Seeing Jisung suddenly hide his face inbetween his knees answered his question.

Minho smiled so wide that it practically took over his entire facial features. " You had a crush on me in middle school, didn't you? You've got to be kidding me, right? This is too much to take in but just-"

Minho's words were interrupted by Jisung pouncing onto him and shutting his mouth up. Minho's eyes crinkled up as he moved his hands up to Jisung's tiny waist and began tickling him, causing the younger to begin laughing so hard, he tumbled over.

That gave Minho the perfect opportunity to place himself on top of the other, imitating his actions from before.

As Minho sat comfortably, he believed it gave him an advantage on getting more answers from the other. " You? The boy I've practically been in love with for the past two years, had a crush on me without me knowing?"

Jisung felt his chest deflat as he acknowledged the fact that he was not going to get out of this one. " Yes! Are you happy now? Get off me, you're heavy and you're pissing me off,". Jisung moved his hands up in order to pick himself up, but only ended up being pushed back down by his lover.

" Why?"
"Why what?" Jisung stared up, confused.

" Why did you stop liking me for a while? Did I do something bad?" Minho frowned, carefully reflecting every he had done all the way up to this point. Jisung felt his chest ache at the view. He didn't like the other feeling sad.

Jisung reached up all he could and pulled Minho down by his collar. The two met happily in the middle as Jisung planted a soft kiss upon the other boy's red stained lips. The two smiled softly once they felt each other's impact and warmth.

Jisung was the first to pull away and placed his forehead right onto Minho's. " I never did stop liking you. It's just as time went on, I realized that I just couldn't wait for you to come around. Seungmin once told me that if it were meant to be, we would meet again, and here we are. Yet, of course, Minnie had no idea who I was talking about,".

Jisung brushed the pieces of hair locks that fell graciously upon Minho's forehead, and placed a small peck as well.

Minho felt his stomach erupted with butterflies just like the first time. He knew deep down that he would never let this boy go, not even when the universe worked against them. He would do anything he could just to see Jisung's face everyday.

" You're a asshole though, I hope you know that,". Jisung was taken aback from the words that Minho had just spoken. He furrowed his eyebrows.

" What did I do?" He pouted. Minho rolled his eyes and moved to sit beside him instead. " What did you do? Oh, I don't know, maybe push me away and reject any attempt in getting you to like me? That's what,".

Jisung grinned at his response. " Oh yeah.. that. In my defense, I thought that if I continued to do that, that just maybe my feelings for you would wash away. As you probably could guess, that didn't really work like I thought it would,".

" It's because I'm Minho, who could possibly resist me?". Jisung rolled his eyes and tilted his head at the other.

" Honestly, you should be honored I became interested in you in middle school. You were not necessarily the brightest of the bunch. I do, however miss your braces.. oh! And your glasses. You were adorable!", the younger teased.

"Shut up!" Minho laughed as he tackled Jisung back down.

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