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Valentine's Day. What a day to be dead.

Just kidding.

Jisung watched his friends walk ahead of him. Seungmin and Hyunjin couldn't have been more oblivious to their surroundings. It's like everytime Jisung muttered something towards them, it'd go from one ear to the other to the other and to the other, back out into the air.

Jeongin eyed him closely beside him. He looked through his pocket before finding a simple heart shaped candy. He moved his hand in front of Jisung and offered it to him.

" Thanks, Innie, at least someone appreciates me,". Jeongin laughed, emphasizing the beauty of his dimples and fox shaped eyes. Jisung looked down at the piece of candy and removed the covering. The inside of it had a small message.

" Why wait? You'll only regret it more. Tell them you love them!"

" Stupid candy, all up in my business,".

" Hyung, did you say something?"

" Huh? Oh, just saying that it was a bit chilly today, that's all,". Jeongin didn't respond and went back to focusing on his steps. His backpack had been bothering him, but he just had to deal with it a bit longer.

The group finally made it school after an eternity. It seemed like they were always here. Well that was life, boring.

Jisung realized he may have been thinking too negative all morning. He shook away his thoughts and took a deep breath. He talked about this day with Hyunjin for so long, but his gut couldn't help but twist all over again.

He recalled how this day played out previous years. Minho would receive dozens of confession all while rejecting every single one of them. It never bothered Jisung before, but he was afraid of the affect it'd have on him today.

And to his surprise, note the sarcasm, he was correct. " There goes Wendy," was all Hyunjin said beside him as his eyes followed the teary-eyed girl. Minho didn't seem all too fazed as he returned back to his routine.

Minho was always considerable of other's feelings and rejected them in the nicest way possible. He wasn't evil, he knew that feeling all too well. It felt like his heart was being stomped on whenever someone walked away crying. He didn't want them to cry over him.

Jisung didn't want to cause a scene for everyone to see. If he were to be just like everyone else, he didn't want to cry for everyone to see. He planned to confess to Minho in private, when it was only them and no one else.

Jisung sighed and walked up to his locker. He hoped Jeongin would remain beside him, but it didn't play out that way. He put in his locker combo, only for something to come out flying.

He picked it up and it appeared as if like someone left him a love note. It didn't seem to have a name, so out of pure curiosity, he opened it up. Pulling out the letter, he read it carefully.

Dear Han Jisung,
I've always thought of you as someone beautiful, inside and out. Your smile seems to get brighter everytime I look at you, yet I'm willing to go blind if it meant I could look at you one last time. I'm not asking you to like me back, I simply didn't want to live with this regret inside of me. I hope you can take this letter as a thank you for simply existing. For spreading so much love that some may have considered impossible to do so.

Jisung hadn't realized the tears that streamed down his round cheeks. He quickly wiped them away.

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