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" Jisung, I love you, but are you okay?" Jeongin asked in a concerning tone. Jisung felt a sudden headache uprising. Honestly, he didn't know the answer to that question.

The boy scrunched his eyebrows together and looked towards his friend. " I'm so confused. I could've sworn I saw you hand Minho a box of chocolates with a rose! I just know I did!".

The younger thought for a moment before he came to a realization. "Ah! Hyung! That wasn't from me to him, silly. It was from me, to him to you. Minho had dance practice the day before Valentine's Day! That's why he asked me to buy YOU a box of chocolates with the rose, duh! Even then, I couldn't have taken an interested in Minho Hyung. It was so obvious that you had feelings for the boy,".

Jisung cringed. " Was it really that obvious?"

Jeongin nodded his head violently. The older rolled his eyes and whacked the boy over his head. The impact immediately pushed Jeongin down where he then dramatically laid on his bed.

" I'm dead. You've killed me. Are you proud of yourself now?". Jisung swore that one of these days he was gonna choke the boy. He reached over and grabbed a hold of the raven haired boy's shoulder and yanked him back up. Once he was up, Jeongin flashed him one of his beautiful, braced smiles.

" Thank you, Hyung!" The boy ignored him and got up from the couch. He walked over to where the kitchen was and opened the pantry in search of a snack he could stuff his cheeks with. " Hey, Innie, you want me to bring anything back for you?"

Jeongin thought for a moment before he spoke. " Eh, just a granola bar," he shrugged before he returned to scrolling through his phone. Jisung took a note of his words and went back searching. He found his friends granola bar but really couldn't find anything appetizing. He turned to the fridge and searched for anything he may enjoy.

He finally came face to face with a pie of cheesecake that remained at the center of the fridge. His smile got wider as he stared brightly at it. " Wow.." he commented as he felt his stomach grumble. " Jeongin? Can I grab a piece of cheesecake?"

Jeongin turned to face his hyung and smiled. " Of course you can. We've had that for a while so I don't think anyone really likes it that much here... so grab as much as you'd like,".

Jisung happily skipped back to his seat with cheesecake in one hand and Jeongin's granola bar in the next. Once he handed the boy his bar, he went back to sitting down and watching his favorite drama, Light On Me.

Jeongin looked over his shoulder and scowled. " Shinwoo deserves better. He and Tae-kyung would make such a better couple than Tae-kyung and Da-on,". Jisung shushed the boy down, yet couldn't help but agree. Dramas always tend to pick a wrong lead for the main couple.

Sighing, Jeongin was beginning to feel bored. " Hyung, can we go out and do something? I'm bored, please, I beg,". He began clinging onto the arm of the other boy. Seeming as he started to get on Jisung's last nerves, he gave in.

" Fine, what do you want to do?,". Jeongin squealed and stood up. " Yes! Okay, there's actually a carnival that just opened up a few blocks down from here. You wanna go?"

Jisung thought for a moment as he knew he'd probably be the one paying for everything but soon he gave in. It wouldn't hurt to go out for a bit, right?

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