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Minho searched everywhere for Jisung, he just couldn't find him anywhere. He felt a sudden presence beside him. He looked up to see Chan with his arm around Jeongin's shoulder.

" Minho, I didn't know you were such a hopeless romantic," Chan announced as he pulled out the letter Jeongin had written with the help of Minho. Minho rolled his eyes and went back to watching his surroundings.

" No luck with Jisung, Hyung?" Jeongin asked as he went to sit next to Minho. Minho sadly shook his head no and slowly lost confidence within himself. There had to be a reason as to why the universe was keeping him away from him. Was this a sign to give up?

Chan felt bad for his dongsaeng. " School's about to end, maybe you can catch him then,". Minho hesitated at the thought. In a way, he lost all his motivation to go through with this. He didn't even know if Jisung took the time to read his letter. Or maybe he did, and that's why he was avoiding him.

As if someone heard them, the bell finally rung, signaling the end of their school day. Minho felt heartbroken even if he hadn't been officially rejected. Maybe Felix was right, two years is way too long to remain in love with someone who doesn't acknowledge your existence.

" We have to get going, are you going to be alright, Minho?" Chan asked. Minho waved them off and encouraged them to get out and have fun. At least they could have a happy ending to their story.

Once they were gone, he lifted up his bag onto his shoulder and walked his way out of the school. He was about to turn the corner when someone grabbed his arm.

" Hyung!" Hyunjin said, completely out of breath. Minho stared at him, concerned about his state. He took a hold of his hand and lifted him up. He dusted off his shirt as well.

" Thanks! Uh- I- hold on, I still need to breathe," Hyunjin took a deep breath in. He shook himself out before speaking up again.

" Okay, I'm good now. Hyung! You need to go find Jisung now!," Minho felt a bit alarmed by his tone.

" That's what I've been doing all day, Hyunjin. I didn't see him once and now you're telling me I have to go play hide and seek with him again?"

Hyunjin rubbed the bridge of his nose. " I may have worded it weird. Jisung's at the Lover's Lake a bit down from here. Surprisingly no one's there, so go confess,"

" How did you know I was going to confess?"

Hyunjin widened his eyes. " Uh, a little birdie told me. Look, you need to go tell him how you feel. I can't tell you everything, but he thinks you've lost feelings for him and he's extremely upset,".

Minho paused for a second. Why would Jisung be upset about that? Isn't that what he's always wanted?

" Hyunjin, why would he be sad about that?"

" I can't tell you. You have to go talk to him for yourself, now hurry! I have to go catch up with Seungmin,". Hyunjin began running towards the opposite direction.

Very odd.

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