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" Tell your mom I said hi," Principal Kim said and winked. Minho grabbed the slip to detention and got up quickly, uncomfortable with just happened.

" Uh, I'll see you later, Principal Kim," and with that he sprinted out of his office. Minho huffed in relief and went on his way.

" What a fucking weirdo," Minho said to himself. He should've known that it wasn't good to talk to yourself.

" Who's a fucking weirdo?,".

Minho jumped and put his fists up. His slip fell out of his hands. Jisung widened his eyes at the older's reaction and bent down to grab the paper.

He looked at the sheet and smiled. " Detention? That sucks,". Minho sighed and stood up straight. He shyly laughed before removing the slip from Jisung's grasp.

" Yeah, I know, but I'm used to it,". Jisung nodded his head and went back to what he was doing. Minho had to get back to class but sticking around a bit wouldn't hurt.

" Well, you still haven't answered my question,".

" Your question? What- Oh! Who's a fucking weirdo,"? Jisung nodded his head. Minho scratched his head in hesitation before he decided to tell him. It wasn't a big deal anyways.

" It's just everytime I'm here, which is often, Principal asks more about my mom than what I did, it's so weird,". Jisung audibly gasped.

" No way! He asks about mine too!". Minho laughed at his words. Guess Principal Kim was as sad as he imagined. "I just realized how scary it is that we're bonding over this,".

Minho wiped his tears away. " This is so stupid," he commented as they continued to let their giggles out. They sighed once they were done.

" Speaking of which, what are you doing here?" Minho questioned Jisung, knowing that he'd be the last person to get in trouble. Jisung shrugged and looked at the printer.

" Ms. Shin sent me down to make some copies for the work we're doing," he simply said, waiting for the papers to fall out anytime soon.

" Would you like to walk back together?"

If anyone else were to be with them, they would've guessed Minho was the one to ask, but surprisingly it wasn't.

Minho turned around and looked to see if he was signaling to someone else. When he realized they were the only ones there, he spoke.

" Me? You're asking me?" Jisung smiled softly at the boy's confusion. " Yeah, who else would I be asking?"

Minho furrowed his eyebrows. He couldn't believe Jisung actually wanted to be around him.
" Oh, then in that case, I'd love to,".

Soon enough the sound of papers falling out filled the room. Jisung carefully watched before slowly taking them out one by one.

Once he finally had a hold of the pack, he turned towards Minho. " Alright, Hyung, let's go,".

Minho stopped in his footsteps. " Wait I have reception here," Minho raised his hand as he looked down at his phone. Jisung rolled his eyes and tapped his foot impatiently.

" Can you hurry up? I don't want to get detention unlike someone," he eyed Minho carefully. Minho chuckled but didn't look up.

He could actually use his phone, it was exciting. Soon enough a door opened, frightening the boys.
" Mr. Lee? What are you still doing here? Oh, and Mr. Han? Shouldn't you both be in class already?"

Minho tried his best not to panick while Jisung tugged at his shirt rapidly. " We were actually on our way, sir," Minho replied to Principal Kim.

" While you're still here, would you mind telling your mo-,".

Minho turned around quickly and took Jisung's hand. " Walk fast, now!"

" Have a nice day, sir!" Jisung said as they left the room.

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