~Chapter- 21~

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"Instead of creating a reason why you cannot love the world, try to create a reason why you should and must love the world."
-Sri Chinmoy

"Hey bro! What's up?" Vince asked as he plopped down on my office couch

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"Hey bro! What's up?" Vince asked as he plopped down on my office couch. I called them to my office today to tell them about.....Coral.

"I wanted to tell you both something" I started in my usual dominating tone as soon as Adrian sat down. I am not nervous. I am never nervous. I swore off on being scared after.....many incidents.

"I am dating Coral Thompson" I said and resumed my work waiting for them to process the information. I know they are going to blast questions at me and so I am just getting some work done before the fiasco.

Exactly after 4 minutes they started with their survey.

"What are you saying!? COCO!? My girlfriend's best friend?! Oh my god! You asked her out!? I mean! Oh my god!" The ever dramatic Vince started.

"Bro! Tell us what all happened!" Adrian said in a much calmer state than the other one.

I sighed and told them what happened. I only tell them. Nobody else. Not everything but I tell them almost everything. And so I did. I told them what all happened minus the location of my secret getaway.

It's no big deal telling them. And I know they already have an idea about that. But I don't talk about my secret escape. It's my safe haven.

I remember one day.........driving aimlessly towards nothing and stumbling upon that place. And all I could see there is a house I am going to build for myself.

I immediately bought that place and built a house on my own with the help of Aiden.

Whenever I feel like the world is coming down I go there. I am ruthless and emotionless but......well I am also human. And we all have a coping place. And the tree house is mine.

I don't even know why I took Coral to that place but I did. It felt good to share. A feeling I don't feel often.

"Holy fucking shit! I cannot believe you are in a relationship but Raizel.....are you sure about this?" Adrian asked me with concern and caution. I understand his words. I understand why he asked that.

I am a confused human being. And it's hard to put up with me. And in some or the other way I am keeping Coral in the way of my madness. If shit goes down, it might hurt her. And he is worried. But what he doesn't know is at the side of my head even I am.

"I am" I just gave him a short and curt answer and he nodded his head while he looked at me. I don't know what he saw but he looked relaxed after my response.

"This calls for a party! We three are officially dating! And are in the best relationships" Vince said and my brows furrowed. Ad is also in a relationship?

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