~Chapter- 4~

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"Love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite"
-Nelson Mandela

"Love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite"-Nelson Mandela

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"Please!!!!!!!!! Coco!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!! Come!!!!! With!!!!!! Me!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!"

You must be thinking who is this crazy lady shouting like a nincompoop?! Well, it's my bestie Ayra!

She is a marketing manager in a fashion company and apparently her company is hosting a charity ball and she wants me to come with her as her plus one. Normally I don't like going to such parties as I don't feel comfortable. But she is hell bent on making me go to the party. And I can't even think of an excuse to escape because today is Friday and on top of that she asked Lily to cover for work tomorrow. And since Sof is out of station for some work, I am being subjected to such tedious tasks.

Even during college I never used to go to parties much and here she is pestering me to come to the ball with her.

"Ayra! You know that I am not good with these kind of things! Why are you pestering me to come!" I said glaring at her

"Because you never get out! And this is a wonderful opportunity for you to come out and meet people. There will be so many handsome rich men you would like to meet. A young man will sure come sweeping you off your feet. Trust me my gut is telling me!" She whined at me as if I am stealing her candy.

"Shut up! This isn't some eighteenth century where there are suitors waiting in a line for me! And god! Why are you behaving like Sof! I thought she is the immature one among us. You sure are stealing her spot" I said swatting her crawling hands away from my arm. My arm hurts from all the tugging she did.

"First of all, I would be conveying the exact words to Sof and Secondly, what should I do if you don't get out of your little world and find solidarity in hugs of your soft toys?!!" She said throwing her hand up in air in what looked like exaggeration.

"Please Coral! You will love the party please!" Ayra begged me for nth time leaving me with no choice.

"Fine! But I don't have anything to wear for such a lavish party! I mean the party is in four hours and you didn't even inform me before!" I asked giving out my defeat.

"Well! That's because if I tell you before you will look for ways to escape and don't worry about the dress I already bought a dress for you" She said gesturing me towards the bags she bought to my home before coming in.

Looks like she is on a mission to get me out of my home. She rushed me to get ready and soon after four hours hear I am, in front of this huge hall which looked absolutely mesmerizing, in a gown which I am so not used to wearing.

Ayra and Sofia are very good with makeup whereas I am the kind of person who applies lip balm and steps out of the house. So Ayra made sure she dolled me up well in a silk burgundy gown which had a low neck and that's not the problem. The dress is freaking backless and I never wear dresses like these but Ayra threatened to give me another dress which is much more worse than this. I paired my dress with a nice updo hairstyle and cream stilettos. I also added light accessories. My look is completed with a peachy makeup since I don't like applying heavy makeup. At the end of this 'session' even though I am already tired, I feel beautiful and nice!

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