~Chapter- 10~

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“When people see good they expect good and I don’t want to live up to their expectation.”
- Damon Salvatore

(Please check out the before chapters cuz I updated earlier! Enjoy reading bubbs!!)

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

(Please check out the before chapters cuz I updated earlier! Enjoy reading bubbs!!)

"What the fuck were you doing when I asked you to complete this report two days ago!! Why the fuck is it not in front of me right now?!" My voice boomed in the silent room and I looked at the manager shaking pathetically.

"Si...sir...my...wi..wife...is....not...well...I....taking....care of..her" he stuttered like the fool he is and I scoffed. Before I can open my mouth and shout at him again a hand came and held me back by my shoulder.

I turned around to see it was my father and my brother Adrian is standing behind him.

"Mr. Moore, complete the work by today and the report should be here by tomorrow morning sharp. Do you understand?" My father told the manager in an authoritative tone.

"Ye..yes...sir....Thank you!" The manager manages rush the words out of his mouth before fleeing from here. I ran a hand through my air and went and stood near the large window in my office.

"Raizel, son......you need to tone down your anger. The employees are terrified of you. The employer should be strict but not monstrous" he said sitting down in one of the chairs.

I took a deep breath and just nodded my head. I know I get angry easily. I know, I am a monster when angry. I am a monster without being angry too.

"Your mother wants you to come by this weekend" my father continued and I turned to him sharply.

"I am going to Canada" I gave a short response and that's enough for them to understand.

My father though sighs and stand up buttoning his suit jacket.

"She misses you Raizel. The last time we all sat for a family dinner was that luncheon" he said in an attempt to get me to come meet her.

"I am busy Dad. Otherwise I would've" We both know that it will take a lot of persuasion from my side to come but he doesn't say anything.

He looks at Adrian, who has been a silent spectator all along and walks up to me. He places a hand on my shoulder and pats me.

"Do come by when you are free son. We miss you" he said and walks out of my office.

I sat down on my seat and get to work glancing at Adrian in between.

"Any work bro?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"Want a drink?" He asks and I sigh nodding my head.

Nobody in this entire fucking world knows what I want more than Adrian and Vince.

Both of them are my brothers in real sense though they are not my biological brothers. Vince is the son of my father's younger brother. Adrian is the son of my father's and Uncle's best friend. Our father's and mother's are best friends.

❣︎Broken Whispers❣︎ ✔︎जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें