~Chapter- 9~

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"Do not judge but love and be loved, if you want to be really happy."
-Sri Chinmoy

(Hey guys! Please do read the author note at the end! Enjoy reading!!)

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

(Hey guys! Please do read the author note at the end! Enjoy reading!!)

Fast forward to fifteen minutes later I am sitting in a sleek black Porsche with the man of or rather in my dreams driving the car towards my diner.

When I refused my friends to come with me Mr. Deluca offered to give me a ride and my dear friends who till then were so ready to come along with me as soon as they heard him started supporting this ridiculous idea all the while smirking at me.

Some friends they are?!

Anyway here we are in his ridiculously expensive car with this ridiculously awkward silence between us.

It felt like there is a thick tension inside the car. Since he already knows the address of my cafe I couldn't open my mouth to even day that!

Not being able to take it anymore I blurted out...

"The weather is quite nice today right?"

And.......the award for the most idiotic person who has seen the face of this planet goes to Coral Violetta Reed!

Out of all the things I can say which exists in English Vocabulary I uttered those.

And then I received the second shock of today. The Raizel Deluca chuckled. And what a magical sound it was!

God did that send shocks to my core!

Stop with the nasty thoughts woman! After chastising myself I immersed myself in looking at him. He still didn't stop chuckling. When he realised that I was looking at him he composed himself and his usual stoic face was back.

And there comes Mr. Deluca back!

"I suppose it is" he said after clearing his throat.

"I know that you have other important works but thank you for offering me the ride" I said trying to get him to talk. And guess what he did?!

He fucking just nodded his head. Like use your mouth man! I so wanted to shout at him but then realised he needs time to open up. Maybe I am getting way over my head but the moment I realised I feel something for him which I can't exactly pin point, I want to get to know him more and more.

Hence, these are like the little tries from my side.

Soon we reached my diner and I got down rushing inside after bidding him bye and thanking him. I figured now since he dropped me he will go back to the restaurant. But what I didn't expect is for him to follow me in.

Once we reached inside I saw a huge bulky bald man shouting at Lily and Sienna.

"What do you think of yourself bitch? How dare you blow me off? And you fucking had the audacity to punch me"

Woah! Punch?! Now that I see I can see a bruise forming on his jaw.

"What's happening here?" I interjected before things get more steamed.

"Coco! Thank God you are here! So this jerk over here was pestering some girls so Sienna intervened and asked him politely to stop doing it. He didn't pay heed and continued doing that and even flirting with Sienna. That's when it started. Sienna interrupted again and this jerk got egoistic. He started talking violently and that's when I called you. He is refusing to go out without an apology. Why the fuck should we apologise you egoistic pig?!" She explained while shouting the last part at him.

I am used to this. Some men or women come here and sometimes create issues and put us in tough spot.

"Yo miss!? You the owner and shit around here? Ask your girls to apologise to me now!Or its not gonna go down good for you all" the guy said angering me then.

"Listen here Mister! You can't come in here and order around my staff! You clearly are in the wrong. And I will even get out the CCTV footages if needed. If you don't apologise to them and get out of here now, then I will personally go file a complaint in the police station. Now apologize to them and those girls over there and get out of here" I said sternly angering the guy even more.

"What did you say you slut?!" He said and I got ready to fight him if necessary and in a second he is slammed to the wall behind him and Mr. Deluca is standing infront of adjusting his cufflinks calmly as if he just didn't slam that man to the wall. My jaw dropped at the sight.

"You heard the lady mate. Get our of here before you face dire consequences" he said and the way he said the last part was enough to make the man surrender. It was deadly.

My! My! He looks mighty fine at the moment  and its not helping my running imagination!

Anyone with a sane mind will run after listening to a threat like that and the guy is no different. He practically flees from here.

After settling everything around and apologising to the customers everything went back to normal.

Mr. Deluca sat down at one of the tables and waited patiently for me to come all the while his attention on me.

I slid in a Càfe Mocha and some chocolate chip cookies towards him.

He looked like he wanted to decline but stopped listening to me
"Please take it! I made them myself" I didn't think he would comply but surprisingly he did.

We sat there for a few minutes not saying anything and after completing his cofee and cookies he started getting up ready to leave but I yelled "Don't go!"

Fuck! The award of the most dumbest person alive on earth also goes to me!

I smiled apologetically at the on lookers who heard me and asked Mr. Deluca to sit down this time more slowly.

He did sit down staring at me questioningly
"I........that......would.....would you like to have dinner with me?" His eyes showed surprise and shock at my question.

"I want to thank you properly for helping me before with the guy and also for the ride" I said clarifying my earlier statement.

"No" he said and I felt like an idiot at that moment. It stinged but then again, he is not obliged to go anywhere with me so I guess....

"Oh! It's okay! Have a nice day and thanks again! See you around!" I said with a smile and he nodded at me and turned around leaving. His tense shoulders and stiff back disappeared as he walked out of the door and I sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

"That went well....." I wondered out loud and rubbed my hands going back inside to work.

Hello lovely readers! Woah! Coral is a little badass and super gutsy to ask him out but Raizel?! I can't believe he said no! Or maybe I can! What about you?! Lemme know!! Stay tuned and enjoy reading guys!

Also guys! I changed the covers of all my stories! So yesterday night for some reason I couldn't fall asleep so I was browsing through pinterest and got these cute wallpapers and I got this idea and made covers as I found it apt. Do lemme know! Your reviews on it would make me happy!!!

 Do lemme know! Your reviews on it would make me happy!!!

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
❣︎Broken Whispers❣︎ ✔︎जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें