Chapter 1

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One day long ago in Qing Qing City, China a luminescent baby was born with a unique power. Then, as time passed, the similar phenomena happened all over the world, and soon the majority of the population had obtained superhuman powers known as "Quirks". Due to that, people were able to pursue heroism as a profession. This is the story of man becoming the greatest Hero the world has seen... no the greatest Hero in the galaxy! "OH YEAH LETS REV IT UP"!!!



Rung an alarm clock out in a room as a low groan soon followed. Sun light peaked through the spaces between the curtains as the room was softly illuminated. A light varnished wood floor was covered here and there with stacks of thick hardcopy books making tall towers. Book shelfs hugged the walls closely as again various books could be seen stacked against one another. Light beige bedsheets were bundled up on a king size bed. A hand reached out from the comfortable prison of blankets as they unlocked their phone canceling the alarm.

"Ugh... I forgot I put that monstrosity on last night" mumbled a male voice underneath the sheets.

It took a few seconds for the persons eyes to focus as he looked at the time.

"07:30 huh" spoke the voice out.

The entire room went silent before the figure sprung out the sheets like a rocket.

"IM GOING TO BE LATE!!!!!!!" shouted the male as his eyes were bulged out and his mouthed dropped against the floor comically.

The following minutes showed the male bolt around the room as he put various pieces of clothing on before he ran out of his room. He quickly ran in the kitchen, almost slipping due to the wood floor, and grabbed an apple and bottle of water from the fridge before he went to the door and put on a pair of black ankle high military boots. The door flung open as the male quickly went out the house showing it to be a small apartment in the middle of the city. People could be seen walking around with their families or even walking to work. A couple of elderly people were slowly walking past the apartment as they looked at, the male. Two pairs of ram horns were sprouting out of the elderly man's fore head as a lone horn jetted out the elderly woman's forehead.

"Morning Aisuru!" greeted the old lady a big smile on her face.

Light shone on the figure finally reveling their appearance. A teen who was sixteen years old. He was quite lanky as he had a lean figure. He currently wore a pair of red sweatpants as a black line went up the legs to stop at his hips. On the upper half of his body, he had a plain black t-shirt on as a British racing green colored parka covered the shirt. His gold-colored eyes shown softly as his jet-black hair with purple highlights moved to the side due to a sudden gust of wind. When the wind settled it showed his hair reached his ears as a grin was on his face showing his pearly white teeth. This was Aisuru Senso the main protagonist of this story.

"Morning Granny Jo you too Gramps Bo!" replied Aisuru happily before he ran past them deeper in the city.

"I wonder what his late for?" mused Gramps Bo aloud floating question marks appeared above their head.

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