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Erik's POV

"Even when a girl asked me to use a condom I always did, but yet I still end up with a baby."

I woke up the next day realizing I was at Marco's house. I felt like I needed to look for him, but I knew he would not appear. I walked upstairs hoping I would see Marco or Diana, my mind still couldn't get through the process that they were gone. I walked into the hallway as I saw Rose by Lena's nursery room sitting outside the room.

"I feel like they're still here.." She said with her worrisome eyes.

"Me too." I sighed. "My mind doesn't seem to process they are gone. What will happen back at Dortmund? For the national team?" I said starting to tear up again.

"You need to be tough and strong for everyone, Erik. Football lost one of the greatest players. But we also lost two amazing human beings.." Rose said as she stood up to go keep an eye on Lena as she slept.

"You know, she won't even remember Marco and Diana. She'll think we're her parents." Rose said as I wiped my tears and followed behind her inside Lena's room.

"So we let her think that. She'll need a parent figure, don't you think? Plus I think you'll make a great mother to Lena." I said as she smiled.

"I can't be a mother as good as Diana, she had always wanted to be a mother." Rose said as Lena started to wake up.

"She always will be Lena's mother. Just think of yourself as the evil stepmother." I joked to Rose as she smiled.

"Shut up, you're still her evil Uncle Erik." Rose said as she picked up Lena.

"Anyway I'm gonna go call Diana's family members, they still don't know anything and are probably worried sick." I said as Rose just nodded silently, she had completely forgotten how to break the news to Diana's family.

As I finished calling only Diana's sister picked up the phone, I was so nervous to break the news to her that as soon as I said it I regretted it. Her sister started to cry and ask if it was some type of sick joke, she hadn't seen her sister in about 3 years but they were still family. I offered to pay for her to come to her funeral but she politely rejected and said she could pay to come on her own with a couple more family members.


Marco's family soon arrived later into the day to talk about the funeral plans. I really didn't want to talk about planning my friends' funeral but then I remembered to fill myself into their shoes. Parents and siblings having to plan their son's and in-law's funeral, it must be the worse feeling.

We had decided to hold their funeral Sunday morning considering it was only Thursday. I still didn't feel ready to say goodbye to Marco and Diana, as they would be buried six feet underground in a couple of days.


It was now Friday morning and Rose and I were already tired from taking turns to watch after Lena at night. For a baby who can't even walk yet, she was a hectic child. She probably got that from Marco, he was always in a hurry for everything he did. Apparently Rose says you have to feed a baby every couple hours? I only eat three times a day! Lena is going to get fat from all the baby food Rose feeds her, but good thing she has me to make her a baby football professional.

"Someone's knockingggg!" I screamed at Rose as I played Fifa 15. Lena was sleeping on the couch next to me as I looked over at her every couple minutes.

"Erik, pause your game and get the door if you want to eat breakfast." Rose said as she walked over and stood in front of the television but didn't bother to open the door right to her as she walked back into the kitchen.

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