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Rose's POV

Marco and Diana had their baby earlier than expected at 8 months pregnant on their honeymoon in America and now today they were barely coming back with their healthy baby girl. I'd always wish they would have a girl and they named her Lena, she would be an American citizen living in Germany.

During the past months I started seeing Marcel more but nothing serious, he's become such a good friend I doubt anything will happen with him. As for Erik I hadn't seem him since the wedding but we have talked over phone. He had been training for Bundesliga and Champions League until he got sick for the past 2 weeks. I asked if he needed any help but he said he didn't want to get anyone else sick.

As Marcel and I went to the Dortmund Airport to pick up Diana and Marco, I was so excited to see them. Lena would be about near 2 months old at this point. As we saw them coming out the gate I saw Marco holding the tiniest little baby.

"Marcoooo! Dianaaaa!" Marcel and I screamed out while waving our arms around until they saw us and started walking our way.

"Oh my god, hi guys!" Diana said as I hugged her as Marcel hugged Marco while not squishing Lena.

"Oh my goodness can we see her?" I asked Marco.

"Yeah of course!" Marco said as he handed Lena to me. She had Diana's dark brown hair with Marco's green eyes. She had the whitest skin I've seen. "She's gorgeous guys." Marcel said as she looked at her. She was so calm she didn't even cry while I held her instead she smiled as she has known me.

"You realize she can recognize your voice from when I was pregnant right?" Diana said as she saw Lena smiling at me. "Wow, no I didn't" I told her as I smiled. "Let's get heading back to the car yeah?" Marco asked as we started heading back.

"You know my parents are planning a little party for Lena next week? So you guys better come!" Marco said from the backseat.

"Of course Marco wouldn't miss it for the world." I said as Marcel agreed while driving.

"So how's Erik guys?" Diana asked as we arrived to their house. "Still sick, poor guy. But he told me he's running now for training." I said.

"So when are you planning on going back to training?" I asked Marco. "I plan tomorrow to start again." He said while stretching realizing how late at night it was.

"Anyway Marcel and I will be heading out now to let you guys unpack and take care of Lena." I said as Marcel and I stood up and hugged them while they both thanked us and I kissed little Lena on her forehead.


"Thanks for dropping me off Marcel, I'll see you soon." I told Marcel.

"Wait Rose?" Marcel asked shyly.

"Ja?" I asked curiously.

"You know how we've been friends for months now.." He started as I just looked at him surprisingly surely of what he was going to say. "And I was just hoping maybe we could be more than friends?" He said while scratching his head.

"Uhh I don't know what to say Marcel." I said nervously.

"You don't have to answer right now, but just tell me you'll think about it?" Marcel said as he held my hands together.

"I'll think about it" I told Marcel.

"Goodnight Rose" Marcel said as he said kissed my cheek.

As I went inside to my bedroom I couldn't stop thinking of Erik while Marcel asked me out. I've had a crush on Marcel for so long why didn't I just say yes? I thought to myself as I fell asleep.

1 week later..

Erik's POV

As I was starting to get better this past week I saw Marco came back from America and I had only seen pictures of his baby Lena. Although later today was the day of the party so I would finally see her in person.

Rose's POV

It has been a week since Marcel has asked me to date, and it has been a week since I have last talked to him. I still hadn't decided about whether saying yes, if I said yes, I would break Erik's heart. If I said no, it would be unfair to Marcel. Maybe I can just avoid them both today at Lena's party.. Like that will be possible, I thought to myself as I went to go take a shower.

As I was showered and got ready to head out to the party. Kid's party but still should be fun. I had bought Lena a Germany national jersey with her name and Marco's number in the back. As I arrived the first person I saw was Erik, great.

"Roseee!" Erik said with a croaked voice. "Lovely hearing your voice." I said hugging him. "Ha ha very funny" he said in a mimicking voice. "So where's my little party girl?" I asked while looking around for Lena while seeing the rest of possibly Marco and Diana's family with a bunch of little kids running around. "Uh I'm not sure, let's go look for them" Erik said as we walked inside.

"Marco!" I said as I hugged him on the side as he was holding Lena. "Rose! Hey could you hold her? I have to go get more plates" He asked as he gave her to me and ran over to the kitchen. As I grabbed Lena there she was smiling again at me, I love this baby. "Why Lena I must present to you your evil uncle Erik" I said smiling as Erik just whined. "Don't say that! She'll grow up hating me." Erik said as Lena just started laughing at Erik. "Wow even she thinks you're a clown Erik!" I said laughing. "Shut up" Erik said laughing.

"Thanks Rose for holding her, just let me go get my camera to sing to her yeah?" Marco asked. "No problem take your time, I love holding her." I said as he thanked me and someone grabbed my shoulders. Marcel. "How's my little party girl?" He said while looking at Lena and ignoring me. "Could I hold her?" Marcel said as I told him yes and started walking away to play with Lena.

"Alright everyone! Time to sing happy birthday even though she's only 2 months!" Marco shouted as everyone laughed and headed out to the table.

"Happy Birthdaaaay to youuuuu!" We all finished singing as Diana blew out the candles for Lena while Marco recorded them. "Can I get the godparents in the video? Cmon Erik and Rose!" Marco signaled us as Erik and I smiled for the video surprisingly until he threw cake all over my face. "Erik I swear to god!" I screamed as I threw some back at him. "Hey no messes kids!" Marco's dad screamed at us.

Soon after we ate the cake, I went to go sit next to Marcel since I felt bad for not talking to him for a week. "What do you want?" Marcel said coldly. "I wanted to talk to you.." I said. "Oh so now you decide to after ignoring my calls and texts? And hell even ignoring me when I showed up to your apartment!" He said angrily looking at me. "I'm sorry" I said quietly. "You know what? Forget I even asked you! No girl would be as cruel as you." He said while standing and storming off away from me. I couldn't help but go to the bathroom and start crying until I heard someone knock. "Its busy!" I screamed. "Rose is that you? It's me Erik! I've been looking for you for the past 20 minutes." Erik said through the door. "Well you found me! I'll be out soon." I said as I cleaned up my face and make up and went out.

"Erik? What are you doing?" I asked as he sat on the floor against the wall. "Marcel told me what you did to him.." He said. "I know I'm a cruel person" I said as I sighed and sat down next to him until he turned around and crashed his lips to mine but I couldn't kiss back. Instead I stood up and ran downstairs. "Hey Marco I have to go I'm pretty tired, but I'll see you tomorrow" I said as I hugged him. "Thank you for coming Rose, I love you as my own family." "I love you too Marco, and Diana and Lena. You're like the family I never had" I said as I kissed him on the cheek and kissed Lena on her forehead. On my way out the door I also said goodbye to Diana as she told me "Thank you for coming Diana, I love you best friend" she said as I told her I loved her too and her family as she told me she would see me tomorrow morning.

Little did I know that would be the last time I would see Diana and Marco this happy when I got a call from the hospital later that night..

(A/N: Oh no cliff hanger!! I hate them so much but puts much more curiousity to the next chapter don't you think? Erik kissed Rose also! 😱 anyways as always thank you for voting and commenting like always :) Sorry for the shitty editing I wrote this chapter on mobile 😂 lots of love xx )

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