Labor- Steve Rogers

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It was around 2:00 AM. Steve and I were cuddled up in the bed, fast asleep. I was having a good ass dream until I was suddenly woken up by a liquid going down my leg. I quickly got up, thinking I peed but seen it was my water

"Oh, thank God, it was just my water" I said, relieved. Steve started to move in the bed. I looked down at my husband and smiled. We were in love, and had a baby coming soon...

Baby coming soon...

My damn water just broke, didn't it?

It took about 12 seconds for me to scream; "MY FREAKING WATER BROKE"

Steve immediately jumped up from his sleep and looked at me panicked.

"Baby what's wrong?" He asked

Right before I could answer, a contraction hit and I hunched over, holding my stomach. Steve hopped up and pressed a button on the wall. Tony had installed that two months ago, and I still didn't know what it was for.

Before I knew it, all our fellow avengers came bursting into the bedroom.

"Why is she still in the bed? Put her in the tub!" Wanda said before her and Steve helped me up. They took me into the bathroom and Bucky filled the tub half way with semi warm water.

"The midwife is on the way" Tony told me before kissing my forehead

"Y'all, we're having a baby!" Sam exclaimed with a big grin

"I can't wait to make tiny super soldier suits"

"Tony, you are not making suits for the baby" Bruce said with an eye roll.

"Steve said I could"

"I never said that" My husband corrected. He made everyone get out while he stripped me of my pajamas and left me in a sports bra.

He helped me into the inflatable birthing tub and grabbed a speaker, putting on music.

He put on some song from the 40's and I rolled my eyes.

"Baby, I don't wanna hear that" I complained

"Okay, what do you wanna hear?"

"Put on some Megan Thee Stallion"

He gave me a "really?" Look before settling upon some r&b.

"Baby I said put on some Megan"

"You want our baby to be born with 'Big Ole Freak' playing in the background?"

"Yeah" I smiled innocently

Another contraction hit and I started crying a little. Steve was pissed because the midwife was taking too long.

"Guys, the midwife had a bit of car trouble. But she's on her way now" Sam said, peeking his head in the bathroom.

I huffed and tried getting up but a contraction came and sat my ass right back down.

"Baby sit tight, the midwife is almost here. Just hold on"

"Steve, there's a damn human trying to escape my stomach through my vagina. I don't think I can hold on for much longer"

He nodded and ran out the room, coming back a few minutes later to tell me the midwife was pulling up.

"Tell her to hurry the hell up!" I grunted, throwing my head back as I felt another wave of pain.

The midwife finally arrived and after about 10 minutes, I began to push.

Steve held my hand throughout the entire thing, giving me encouraging words and occasionally kissing my forehead.

The rest of the avengers stood outside the room but peeked in. Sam and Bucky were getting on my damn nerves because they were cheering like this was some sporting event.

"I can see the baby's head!" Steve called out. Bruce made the mistake of looking down there and almost passed out.

"Come on y/n, just a little longer" Nat said. I screamed out, pushing a few more times before a cry could be heard.

"Congratulations Mrs. Rogers" the midwife grinned, you have a healthy baby boy- wait a second"

Steve looked at her with wide eyes. I felt the need to push again, so I did.

"Oh lord, there's another baby" Sam TRIED to whisper. I was now full on panicking.

"Another baby? How the hell did we miss that?" I asked, out of breath. I pushed a few more times before our second baby boy was delivered.

He was smaller than his brother, but healthy.

The midwife handed me the youngest baby first, while Steve got the oldest one. Our family cooed from outside the room (Bucky was crying).

"What are we naming them?" I asked my husband. He looked down at the baby on his chest and uttered a "Tobias". We've always liked that name, so it was no shocker that he would choose that.

I looked at the baby that laid on my chest. His brother had his eyes closed while he was fully awake and staring at me. I could have sworn he smiled- which made me tear up.

"Elliot" I said, "His name is Elliot"

"Tobias and Elliot" we heard Tony say, "Avengers in training"

"No they're not" Bruce said, giving Tony a glare. I chuckled and took the time to admire my husband and two little boys.

I've never felt a love like this, or such happiness like this.

I was beyond grateful


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

^^ In case y'all wanted to see how the birthing tub/pool looked

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^^ In case y'all wanted to see how the birthing tub/pool looked

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