How we met- Tony Stark

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"Miss Y/N Y/L/N, Tony is ready for you" A woman said, smiling at you sweetly. You smiled back, standing up and fixing your dress. You looked around and seen all the other women applying for the PA job just as you were. They were all carbon copies of one another-skinny, hot, and blonde.

You on the other hand was on the thicker side, dark skin, and obviously a whole lot more nervous than they were.

You knew you were gorgeous, but being around all these women made you just a bit insecure.

"Okay Y/N, you got this. Just be you" you whispered to yourself. You took a deep breath and walked in to see Tony Stark sitting at his desk.

"Hello" You smiled. He gave you a smile and motioned for you to sit.

"Hi. Let's get this interview started shall we?" He said while sighing. You could see he was tired. Probably been doing interviews all days.

"So, let's cut to the chase. Why should I hire you?" He asked

"Well...I'm a team leader, responsible, and very good with time management" You said

He rolled his eyes and took his glasses off. "I heard that 100 times before. That's boring". He got up and started to walk around the room. "Okay Miss Y/N. What are your dreams? Aspirations?" He asked

"Well um, I-um" You stuttered

"Come on Y/N, you gotta be fast. You gotta have quick answers. If you work for me, there can be no I don't knows or I'm not sures." He said, "So, I ask again- what are your dreams?"

"I wanna be a singer" you said quickly

"Okay, that's good" he nodded, "Let's say you got the job. If we were at a party and I said 'Ladies and gentleman, here to sing for you tonight is my wonderful assistant y/n' would you get up and sing?" He asked

"Yes" you said without thinking

"Excellent" he said. He walked over to the lights and dimmed them. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN" He yelled. You started to freak out once you realized what he was doing.

"This ain't American Idol" You thought

"COMING TO THE STAGE, MY WONDERFUL ASSISTANT, Y/N!" He clapped and helped you got the chair and to the middle of the floor.

"Mr. Stark, I can't-"

"Shush. It's just us two- and I won't judge you"

You calmed down a bit and stood in front of him, "I mean, I won't judge you if you're good" he corrected with a devilish smile. He hurried back to his desk and motioned for you to begin.

You sighed and began singing your favorite song. Your voice sounded as if it came straight outta heaven, you had a beautiful voice.

Once finished with the song, Tony stared at you with this unreadable expression.

"How was it?" You asked nervously. Tony got up and walked to you, his head shaking with what looked like disapproval"

"Y/n" He said, frowning "That was......Amazing" He smiled at that last part.

You sighed out a big breath of relief, thanking the Gods.

"Should have seen your face" He laughed

"Okay so, you just made me get up and basically audition for you. Does this mean I have the job?" You ask

"Well, after looking over your files and running numerous backgrounds checks- I see you're the most qualified. Also, you're beautiful and talented- so that's a plus. Congrats, you have the job"

You grinned and did a little celebratory dance.

"Okay, so when do I start?"

Tony walked over to his desk and grabbed a huge stack of files, dropping them in your hands.

"Today! Look over these and give me a summary of everything you read by 5:00pm tonight. Oh and-" he pulled a card from his pocket and sat it on top of the folders. "There is a card with my number. Text it, and I'll give you my address. Be at my house at 5:00. Don't be late"

You nodded and walked out, seeing the same woman from earlier smirking at you.

"Got the job?" She asked


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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