Arguements With Them- Tony Stark [PART 1]

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"Y/N, can you do this for me, CAN YOU DO THIS ONE THING PLEASE?" Tony yelled while throwing down a mug he had in his hand. You watched as it smashed all over the floor, a brown liquid starting to run.

"Tony" You said calmly, trying not to freak, "If you don't clean this shit up right now, I'm gonna lose it"

"Lose it Y/N" he shrugged, mocking your calm tone of voice. He was upset because you didn't feel like attending the party of one of his associates. Tony had been dragging you to party after party, brunch after brunch, meeting after meeting and you were sick of it.

It was flu season and you hadn't been feeling well- and he knew this. All you wanted to do was lay down.

"Tony, please. I'm not about to argue with you. Clean this up and go to your lil party" You said

"I suggest you start putting on the nice, expensive dress I bought you because you're going to that party, darling" He said with a smile. You were honestly about to cuss this man out A-Z but you decided to just leave.

"I won't be going to a party, but I will be leaving the house" You smiled back. You then began to jog up the stairs. Tony was hot on your tail when you walked into your shared bedroom. You grabbed a duffel bag and began to pack clothes.

Tony scoffed, "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?"

"Really, Y/N? You're gonna leave me over an argument?"

"I'm leaving because of your disrespect." You stood up and faced him, clearly pissed off.

"I've been telling you for days that I'm sick, and yet you drag me to these meaningless events that I don't wanna go to."

"How would it look to show up to a party and not have my woman at my side?" He asked

"I don't care, Tony. I don't feel well, okay? And if you gave a fuck- you would be begging for me to stay home and get better. But you don't. You only care about your damn self. So yes, I'm leaving. I'll be back when you learn to respect me"

You finished packing and pushed passed him.

"Friday, lock the doors" You heard him say. You got to the front door but didn't even bother to try and open it.

"Tony, open the door" You said coldly. You kept your back turned, so it startled you a bit when he was suddenly right behind you- his hands on your hips.

"Baby I'm sorry" He apologized

"No you're not, Tony. You're selfish, you're stubborn, you're disrespectful. You're everything BUT sorry"

"All this over a party?" He questioned

"All this over you acting the way you act. Open the doors, seriously, before I break one of these windows and leave out that way" You threatened. There was silence for 2 whole minutes before he told Friday to open the doors. You left despite him screaming your name.

Once in you car, you could feel the tears coming on but you fought them.

After a short drive, you arrived at the avengers compound.

You and Tony lived incredibly close to it so it wouldn't be hard to get to and from there.

"Hey Y/N" Bucky smiled when you walked in.

"Hi Bucky" You smiled back, not wanting him to sense something was wrong.

You knew he noticed the duffel bag though, you were just happy he didn't question it.

It was already nearing 10:30 and you were so ready to sleep. You knew that tomorrow morning you'd be met with a pissed off Tony and many confused avengers- but you didn't care at the moment.

You slipped into bed and cuddled up against a pillow- drifting to sleep.

Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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