Night Out-Steve Rogers

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You walked through the Avengers Compound happily as you and the other avengers had a day off (for once). You wanted to get dressed up and go out. Unfortunately, most of your peers wanted to stay in and sleep on their day off so it looked like you were gonna have to go by yourself.

That is, if Steve didn't wanna go. You walked to his door and knocked.

"Steve?" You called out. There was silence so you knocked a little harder.

"Yeah?" He asked from the other side of the door. He sounded sleepy- so you immediately felt bad as it seemed you may have woke him up.

"I was just gonna ask if you wanted to go out for a drink or something" You said, getting ready for a no. There was a brief pause before he answered; "Yeah, give me an hour to get ready".

You did a quick happy dance then gave him an okay. You then sprinted to your room and started to get ready.

You took a quick shower then got dressed, did your makeup, and started your hair- which you styled in an Afro. You took a look in the mirror and smirked at yourself, admiring how pretty you looked.

"Y/N?" You heard Steve call out from outside your room. You heard the door open and watched Steve walk in carefully- probably afraid that you may be in there naked.

"I'm ready" You smiled, coming out the bathroom.

Steve looked at you, seemingly mesmerized. You could practically feel his eyes roaming your body.

"You look gorgeous"

You grinned, looking in your full lengthened mirror again to admire your outfit

You grinned, looking in your full lengthened mirror again to admire your outfit

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"Thank you" You chimed. He offered you his hand and you gracefully took it, allowing him to lead you out the room and into the common room. There, you were met with a awestruck Thor and Clint.

"Wow" Was all the God said, taking a seat while still staring at you.

"I didn't know you could clean up so nice" Clint teased. You shot him a playful glare and said bye to them as you and Steve reached outside.

"Are we calling an Uber or something?" He asked

"Of course not. We're taking one of Tony's cars" you informed him. He nodded as you two made your way to Tony's Mercedes.

"It was really nice of him to let us borrow his car" Steve said once you pulled off

"Who said he's letting us borrow it?"

Steve gasped before smirking at you. Tony doesn't have to find out- he won't notice. He's probably working on another iron man suit.

"So, you already stole a car tonight. What else are we doing?" Steve questioned, making you chuckle.

"Oh, I don't know. Kinda wanna rob a convenience store"

You two ended up at a club. Y'all were immediately recognized as avengers and were ushered in quickly.

"Smells like straight Vodka in here" Steve mumbled. You nodded and walked him over to a little VIP section.

"I have to tell you" Steve said once you two sat, "I'm not much of a club man"

"I'm not that much into clubbing either, but this is the first off day we had in weeks. Let's just loosen up" You say.

Loosen up is exactly what you did. You ordered drink after drink, gulping them down quickly while Steve took his time to finish his beverages.

Soon, yall were on the dance floor. You were nearing blackout drunk while Steve was just a little tipsy.

"Back that azz up" came on and you pulled your dress up a little and prepared yourself to bend over and twerk (as you should). But, Steve luckily noticed people were secretly recording you and pulled you back to your section.

"Steveeee" You groaned, hitting his chest lightly.

"People were about to record you. You don't wanna be all over the internet tomorrow" He said

"I don't care! They can record me. I can twerk" You giggled drunkenly

"I can already seen he headlines now, Avenger seen twerking at a night club" Steve mumbled. He looked at his watch and decided it was time to go home.

"Steve it's still early" You pointed out, stumbling as he walked you out the door.

"Yeah but you had enough" He shrugged

You two got back in the car and he drove home. You didn't even make it the whole car ride without falling asleep.

He decided to just carry you in, gaining smirks and raised eyebrows from your peers.

"Is she asleep?" Nat asked, concerned

"No, I'm pretty sure she's dead" Rhodey joked.

Steve rolled his eyes and carried you to your room, taking your shoes off and laying you down.

He then kissed your cheek and forehead and left.

The next morning was hell for you, of course.

Not only because of your hangover, but because you and Steve had to train.

He was asking you to run through obstacles but all you could do was give half-hearted jogs.

"Next off day we have, I'm staying my ass in the house" You breathed out, wanting to go back to sleep.

Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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