Runaway- Avengers [PART 1]

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I walked into the compound quietly, trying my best not to make any loud noises.

It was a couple hours passed my curfew and I know Tony would flip if he found me sneaking in at this hour. Peter offered to cover for me, so hopefully Tony thinks I'm fast asleep in my bed.

Once I shut the front door, I tiptoed to the elevator, silently cheering as I was almost home free. Once I made it to my floor, I got off and smiled to see everyone's doors were shut and no one was in the hallway. I sped walked to my room and opened the door, mumbling a "yes" before closing it behind me.

"And where were you young lady?" I heard a voice say. I jumped and looked up to see Tony sitting at the edge of my bed. He looked pissed off to say the least.

I looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"Do you know it's almost 2:00 in the morning?" He asked,  finally standing.

I was frozen. I didn't know what to say. He caught me- so I couldn't lie.

"I'm sorry" I said, making him roll his eyes.

"Y/n, every time I begin to trust you, you do things like this. Why can't you just follow the rules for once?" He asked

"Tony look, I know I was a little passed my curfew but I promise I wasn't out doing anything stupid!"

"There aren't many logical things you could be doing at 2:00 in the morning, y/n. You left this house right after dinner, so around 7:00. Your curfew is at 11:00 so you had enough time to do whatever it is that you were doing."

"I know but my friends wanted to go to this party and I just lost track of time!"

"You know, I don't like those friends of yours. Ever since you started to hang around them- you've been acting totally irresponsible"

"I have not!" I protested, setting my purse down and taking a seat at the chair that sat near my desk.

"I told Cap that you should have a 9:00 curfew. But nooo, he said we should trust you. He said you'll abide by the rules. And look where that got us!"

"9:00 is way to early Tony! I'm 17, so what if I stayed out a little past my curfew? I'm sure you did it when you were my age"

"Yeah, I did. And my father put me on punishment every time I did- which is what I'm gonna do to you. No phone, no going out, and no missions for a month" He said with crossed arms. My mouth hung open as his words played throughout my head.

"That's not fair!" I screamed

"Yes it is! You don't wanna follow the rules, so you get on punishment"

"When Peter stayed out passed curfew last month all you did was stop him from going on missions for two weeks! Why do I get the harsher punishment?"

"We're not talking about Peter, y/n. We're talking about you" Tony responded with a stern voice. There was a few knocks on my door and then the sound of Steve asking if everything was okay.

I quickly got up and rushed to the door, opening it- letting Steve in.

"Steve, Tony is giving me this harsh punishment after all I did was come home a little late!"

"Three hours late is not a little!" Tony fumed

"Okay, everyone calm down. Y/n, why didn't you come home on time?" Steve asked, setting a hand on my shoulder.

"My friends took me to a party and I just lost track of time." I answered truthfully

Steve sighed and looked at his pissed off friend, "Look Tony. It's just one little mistake"

"Please don't start spoiling her Cap, like you always do. She needs to learn a lesson. No phone, no going out, no missions for a month. That's final."

"He didn't do this to Peter!" I protested

"Tony maybe we can dial it back from a month to a week maybe?" Steve suggested, trying to negotiate.

"No, what I say goes"

"YOU CAN BE SUCH AN ASSHOLE TONY!" I snapped, not really thinking about what I just said.

I was angry, and he always goes overboard with my punishments. Peter gets the bare minimum while I get a whole damn prison sentence.

Tony and Steve looked stunned at my outburst. I could see a glimpse of hurt in Tony's eyes before he laughed.

Steve and I looked confused, wondering what was going through his twisted head.

"I'm an asshole? Oh I'll show you how much of an asshole I can be. No phone, no missions, no going out, no friends over, for an entire year" He said, "Not only that- but also no celebration for your birthday. Since I'm an asshole"

"Tony why are you always so hard on her?" Steve asked as uncontrollable tears fell from my eyes.

"If she can't follow my rules, then she should leave my compound" He shrugged, pushing passed us and leaving the room. Steve sighed and hugged me (who was sobbing by then).

I knew Tony loved me, but he always did the absolute most whenever I made the tiniest mistake. He expected so much out of me- and it was just so overwhelming.

"I'm gonna talk to him, okay? Just get some sleep" Steve said. He kissed my forehead and left, leaving me a crying mess.

Tony's words stuck in my brain though...

"If she can't follow my rules, then she should leave my compound"

And maybe it was because I was feeling a bit brave..or bold at the moment... or maybe it was just me being a dumb teenager..

But I ran away that night

Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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