Runaway- Avengers [PART 3]

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I waved at Donna, my best friend, while leaving out her house. Her parents work long hours so she was able to sneak me in when I initially left (before they got up for work) and sneak me out (before they came home). My phone was blowing up by now. At least 50 missed calls from each avenger. 100 messages from each of them. I didn't feel like going back and dealing with Tony. I knew he was gonna let my ass have it for running away.

I did miss everyone else though. Wanda and Vision were probably back from their mission, Sam most likely made his famous chili for dinner. It was movie night, and I got to choose what we watched this week. I was looking forward to hearing Bucky and Clint complain about the "boring chick flick" I chose then secretly loving the movie. Laying on Steve's shoulder while Nat sat on the other side of me and laid her head on my shoulder. Peter, Thor, and Bruce laughing loudly when jokes came then Tony shushing them.


It's all his fault. He overreacted. He needs to learn how to control his temper. Why make irrational decisions while being upset?

Oh wait...that's what I did.

I mean, I just couldn't take it anymore. He was unfair and it always had to be his way. It was just too much.

Maybe I shouldn't have called him an asshole...

But he was acting like one!

I shouldn't have ran away

But he shouldn't have acted the way he did. I don't know if it's favoritism or double standards when it comes to Peter and I- but he shouldn't be getting slaps on the wrists for things I get severely punished for.

I just want us to be treated the same. I just want Tony to understand that I'm not perfect.
He expects perfection outta me, and that's just not what he's gonna get.

I shouldn't have stayed out that late though.

But it was an honest mistake.

I continued to battle myself in my head while waking down the road. It was only 6:45, still early. I was gonna make my way back to the compound but decided to make a quick stop.

I walked to the gravesite where my sister was buried. She was five years older, 10 when she died- so I was five at the time. She died as a result of the accident that landed me with my powers.

We stumbled across this warehouse...I remember. We saw people with white coats coming in and out- so we went to investigate. My sister, Lai'La, wanted to go see if anyone needed help. She wanted to be a superhero when she grew up, she wanted to help people. So we went to the side of the place, looked through the dirty windows and saw a blur of what looked like a big crystal ball. To this day, I still don't know what the contraption was or what it was supposed to do- but I know it blew up and sent Lai'La and I flying backwards. I landed on the ground, hard. Both legs broken, concussion, right arm was broken. But I survived. Lai'La on the other hand, she flew back and hit a tree. She was gone.

I woke up in the hospital, I remember the doctor asking if I had any loved ones they can call...But all I had was my sister. She was everything to me- and she was taken away. I should have gone with her, I shouldn't have been alive...That's when doctors found something unusual in my body.

Radiation from the explosion gave me my powers, basically. I could fly and all that jazz, super strength and such. I was also healing a lot faster than I should have. It was cool I guess, but I didn't think I deserved it. My sister was supposed to be the hero, this was her dream. It wasn't fair to her.

Anyways, I remember one day I was just laying in my hospital bed- zoned out when the door opened.

A man with an eyepatch walked in, and my little five year old mind thought he was a pirate. Turns out, it was Nick Fury. Word had got around about me, the young superhuman. By then, I was nearing to be completely healed. I was walking around with no extra help, and the accident hadn't been that long ago. I still don't understand it, how that explosion led to all this stuff.

Fury brought an intrigued Tony Stark with him. Tony told me he heard about me and he paid off my hospital bill.

I just decided to blab to him about my sister, about how she wanted to be a hero like him.

He listened, and comforted me, and promised he'd set up a nice funeral (which he did).

He was there for me since that day...never left me after that.

He took me in, and I became an avenger in training. Back then, there was only Nat, Clint, Thor, Tony, Steve, and Bruce.

Warms my heart to see how big our organization....our family has grown.

They all loved me, cared for me, laughed, cried, sung, and danced with me.

And now that family was probably wandering around the city looking for me.

It was time to go back.

I took a final look at my sister's grave then turned around to see Nat, Vision, and Tony. They all looked hurt, mad, and relived at the same time. Vision never seen me act out in this way- I knew he was disappointed.

"Come here" The A.I called out, walking forward a bit. I walked over to him and he embraced me in a tight hug.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again" He said, breaking our hug. Nat came over and hugged me too, hers accompanied with a few kisses on the forehead.

Tony stayed where he was- watching the little reunion go down.

"Nat, Vis- you guys can head to the car..We're right behind you" He said. They nodded and walked away- leaving me and Tony.

"I'm sorry" I said after a few seconds. "I was mad, but I shouldn't have left the compound. I shouldn't have called you names.. I shouldn't have stayed out that late-" I started until Tony stopped me.

"I'm sorry for how I acted y/n. I was just upset and hurt, I guess. I was being dramatic"

"No more over the top punishments"

"No more, I swear. But you need to follow the rules. They're there for a reason, y/n. I don't know what I would do with myself if I found out something happened to you. I love Peter-just as if he was my son, but he still has Aunt May. That's who raised him. You though, I raised you. You're my daughter. So I expect more from you. But I seem to forget that you're gonna make mistakes."

We stood there silent for a bit. I was so mad at myself. I scared the hell outta the people I loved the most.

Tony stood in front of me, tears falling. I decided to walk over to him and hug him. He hugged back, rocking me back and forth.

We walked to the car and got in- heading back home.

When we got there, I was bombarded with hugs and tears and "don't you ever do no shit like that again".

My appreciation grew for my avengers family- especially Tony.


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

Idk if this was good or not lmao. Okay so I have a question;

Should I make a Steve & Bucky x Black female character book? (Poly relationship)

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