Runaway- Avengers [PART 2]

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The next day at the compound was a quiet one. Unbeknownst to the avengers, you were gone but they thought you were just locking yourself in your room.

Steve had told them about the argument and Tony was getting side eyes and eye rolls. After a conversation with Cap and being cursed out by Nat- he decided to change that year punishment to a week.

It was dinner time and all the avengers sat at the table to eat. It was a rare when everyone was there at the same time. Thor was back from Asgard and he brought his brother- who you called your "Uncle Loki". Wanda and Vision came back from a long mission and were excited to see you and Peter.

You and Peter were loved so much by your avengers family. You two were seniors in high school but had been with them for years, so it made everyone so mad when they found out what Tony did.

But they also understood that you weren't completely innocent- so they were ready to have a "family discussion" at the dinner table.

A few minutes passed by and you still hadn't come down for dinner. After a few more minutes, Tony sent Peter to your room to get you.

Once he left, his fellow avengers decided to give him an earful.

"A year without a phone, missions, friends, and you took away her birthday?" Wanda asked, "You can't be serious"

"She called me an asshole, Wanda" Tony said, defending himself. Loki rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Well, you were being a bit of a donkey" Vision mumbled- earning a glare from Tony.

"You definitely were" Nat agreed

"Okay, is this bash Tony day or something?" The man asked

"No, but you need to apologize to y/n" Sam said

"But, she also needs to apologize to you. For the staying out and calling you an asshole part- everything else was your fault" Bucky said, shrugging.

"Well we're gonna discuss all of that when she gets down here"

"MR. STARK!" They heard Peter yell. Cap looked at Tony for a brief second before everyone ran upstairs to find a panicked Peter.

"She's gone" Was all Peter said before Thor started to pace back and forth

"Gone? What does that mean?" The God asked

"She must have ran away. Some of her clothes are gone and her window is open" Peter answered

"Friday, can you tell us when y/n left?" Tony asked the A.I

"All human activity stopped in this room at 2:11 AM" Friday reported

"She's been gone for over 12 hours?" Bucky nearly yelled, pulling at his hair a little.

"She could be anywhere! Anything could have happened to her!" Bruce stressed

"I'm calling her now" Sam informed them

"Also, her location is off, I checked" Peter quaked

"How did we not notice?" Thor whispered to himself.

"Okay, Cap call all her friends. Nat, Vision, and I will go out looking for her. Everyone else stay here in case she comes back" Tony told everyone.

They all nodded and left your room- Tony stayed behind so he could let out a few worried tears without anyone seeing. He felt terrible, and all he wanted was for you to come back home.


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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