Arguments with them- Tony Stark [PART 3]

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Sam had allowed you to stay at his old place until you found a new apartment. Every time you needed something from you and Tony's house- you'd have Steve get it (or you'd just sneak there when Tony was away).

It had been about two weeks since the breakup. Tony had been calling you nonstop. His messages were a constant repeat of;

"Baby come back"

"Baby I miss you"

"Sweetie, I'm sorry"

"Answer me, please"

"I swear I'll work on myself- for us"

And it was honestly breaking your heart. You wanted to cave in and run right back to him- but he expected that. You needed to be strong- so you fought the urge to call or text him.

The avengers made it their mission to check on both of you guys. Only Sam, Steve, and Natasha knew where you were so they'd come by every once in a while. They all called and/or texted you daily though.

Steve would give you updates on Tony. Apparently, he was moping around- barely speaking a word to anyone. No one told him where you were- so he was in a constant state of worry.

Steve would ease his mind by telling him he knows where you're are, and that you're safe. Tony would then beg for your location.

He would scream, cry, and beg the avengers until they all just left him to wallow. You knew it was breaking their hearts as well.

"He misses you so much" Sam said over the phone. You sighed and looked down at the picture of Tony you had framed.

"Sam, what if he goes back and does the same thing?" You stammered

"I don't know y/n. We'll cross that bridge when we get there- but right now, I think it's best for you two to talk"

"Maybe you're right" you agreed, "It has been two weeks."

"Exactly. I sent him the address a few minutes ago. He and Vision are on their way there"

"Why is Vision coming?" You question, confused

"To referee in case things get ugly" He informed you, making you giggle a bit. You heard a knock on the door and jumped a bit.

"They're here Sam. I'll call you back"

You two said your goodbyes and you rushed to the door, opening it.

All you wanted to do was jump into his arms when you seen him, but you moved out the way so he and Vision could come in.

"Hello Y/N" Vision greeted

"Hey Vis" You grinned, hugging him.

He was in his human form at the moment, his blond hair sat messily on his head.

"So he gets a hello and I don't?" Tony asked looking offended

You three sat in the living room. You and Vision on the couch and Tony in a chair.

There was a couple seconds of silence before Vision decided to speak

"Sam told me I was to make sure things don't get worse" He explained, "A referee if you will"

"Some referee" Tony mumbled sarcastically

"Don't speak to him that way" You crossed your arms and sat back

"Oh, so you're defending him now? You're defending the robot over me?"

"You don't have to be an asshole to Vision. He's trying to help"

"His feelings aren't hurt y/n, he doesn't have feelings, he's fake!" Tony nearly yelled

You looked at Vision who seemed to be a little hurt


Tony sighed and apologized to you

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to him". He then apologized to Vision who graciously accepted his apology

"I understand you're just mad, Tony. But I understand what Y/N means about you being a dickhead" He said

Tony rolled his eyes, "Look, y/n I swear I won't treat you that way again. You were right, I was being selfish. I shouldn't have been upset when you wanted to stay home, matter of fact- I should have stayed home to take care of you. It was wrong for me to try and throw demands at you- you aren't a dog. I swear I'll work on my temper." He said

"Y/N, it's your turn" Vision spoke. You nodded and began to speak; "Tony I love you. But what you did hurt because it seemed like you really didn't care. It was like, fuck y/n and how she feels- this is what I want her to do. And this isn't the first time you acted that way- it's just the first time I put my foot down. You wanted to sort of control me, and like you said- I'm not a dog. That can't happen again Tony"

"And I swear it won't" He said

You two looked at one another, tears already threatening your eyes.

"How about a hug?" Vision suggested.

You two got up and embraced one another. It felt so good to be back in Tony's arms. He smelled good, he was warm. You were right back in your happy place. Once you two pulled apart, Tony looked at a grinning Vision

"Great job referee" He chuckled, "Come on, get in this hug"

Vision happily stood up and hugged you guys.

Once you guys pulled apart, you could see a look in Tony's eyes. A look that said "It's been two weeks without me touching you".

"Um, so I'll grab my things and we'll head back home" You said, earning an approving nod from Tony.

When Vision wasn't looking, he grabbed a handful of your butt and squeezed. You yelped.

He let go of you just before Vision turned to you with a concerned face.

"Are you okay y/n?" He asked

You smirked at Tony, "Yeah, better than ever"

Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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