Insecure- Loki Laufeyson

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"Loki, leave me alone" you say, annoyed at the God who followed you around the house. You tried walking into your office and shutting the door but he quickly put his foot in the door and pushed it open.

"I wanna talk, y/n"

"No, you wanna argue"

"I just want answers"

"I gave you answers!"

Loki was upset because you had been out with Thor all day. Thor had been away for some months and really wanted to finally meet his niece. You and Loki welcomed your baby girl into the world 6 months ago and Thor had been dying to meet her.

He arrived at your home as a surprise, you were happy but Loki was not. Of course, Loki loved and missed his brother- he was just having one of those days.

Thor wanted to take all of you out for a day filled with family fun. Loki wanted to be a buzzkill so he insisted on staying home.

You took Jaime, your daughter, and left with Thor.

You guys spent all day catching up and things of that. He wanted to make sure he created a bond with Jaime, he already loved her so much.

This should go without being said but you and Thor didn't flirt or anything like that (duh).

You're married to his brother and he's like a big brother to you.

That's what you were trying to get Loki to understand.

"Where were you?" He asked for the umpteenth time.

"With Thor. You know that!"

"Where with Thor?"

"The park, then a couple of stores, out to eat, back to the park, then an ice cream parlor" You answered truthfully. Thor had planned an entire day out in hopes of spending time with his brother, niece, and sister in law.

"Jaime can't even eat ice cream! Why were you there?"

"I gave her a small spoonful or two. And besides, we wanted something sweet"

You still couldn't figure out why Loki was making such a big deal out of this. He had the choice to go and chose not you. You and the baby were out for maybe 5 hours- which wasn't that long for a family outing.

And he didn't call or text you once, so you thought he was okay.

"How dare you have my child out this late?"

"Loki, it's 4:00 pm. Calm the hell down"

You pushed passed him and stared making your way to Jaime's room. Loki was still hot on your tail.

"Y/n, stop waking away" He demanded. An annoyed groan left your mouth and you opened your daughter's bedroom door. She was fast asleep. She usually took naps around this time- waking up about an hour later.

You closed the door after checking to make sure she was okay.

Loki kept bugging you all the way to the kitchen.

"Why did you all go to the park twice?" He asked

This time you decided to not answer

"Y/n, I asked you a question"

No answer. You turned to look in the cabinets for your Pringles.

"Are you ignoring me?"

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