Reactions to you being pregnant

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Steve- [Extremely happy] You had been having symptoms for a while and Steve suggested you guys go to the doctor. They ran a few tests and gave you guys the good news. You cried, but Steve quickly comforted you and assured that you'll be an amazing mother.

Bucky- [Froze, then cried] You had a feeling you were pregnant but decided to take 4 pregnancy tests just to be sure. When each one came back positive, you went out and bought a onesie and a small gift bag. The onesie had "I love my daddy" on it- so you hoped Bucky would catch on. You set the tests and onesie in the bag as soon as Bucky entered the house. A quick kiss was shared and you gave him the gift. He stuck his hand inside and pulled the onesie out first- deeply puzzled as he stared at it. He thought you were proposing the idea of getting pregnant- but he soon caught on when he pulled out the pregnancy tests. He froze with a look of pure terror before tears began to fall from his eyes. He then pulled you into a tight hug and expressed his happiness.

Tony- [Stone-faced] You told him after he arrived home from being on a mission. You didn't really expect an over the top reaction because you knew he was tired- but it hurt a little considering he didn't even bat an eyelash to the news. The next morning, he did apologize and assured you he was excited.

Stephen- [confused] It had been a month since you and the sorcerer had even had sex, so he was initially confused. You had to explain that you were a month long- and that was confirmed when you two went to the doctor together. He knew you would never cheat on him, so he was definitely not accusing you of anything of the sort- he just had to a think about it for a second. His common sense just left for a lil while.

Natasha- [Calm but happy] You two had planned the baby (of course) and set up a date to be artificially inseminated. About two weeks after, you woke up throwing up and quickly went out to grab a pregnancy test. Once it was confirmed that you were pregnant, you called Nat and told her the good news. She laughed at how excited you were and expressed that she was happy.

Thor- [knew already] Thor told you the day after you guys had sex that you were with child, you just didn't believe him. You had no symptoms after a week and a half so you ignored what he was saying. When you did start to have symptoms, you still ignored it and swore you were about to come on you period (just being stubborn). When you woke to extreme morning sickness one day- you finally set up a doctors appointment. You were pregnant, and your God of a husband chuckled and smiled, asking if you liked the baby names he picked out.

(Skipping Peter because he's in high school- so a little too young
for babies)

Vision- [Shocked but happy] Since Vision was an A.I, you knew you two wouldn't be able to conceive the old fashion way, so artificial insemination was the next best thing. But, it did take a while for you to get pregnant. You started to blame yourself for the fertility issues- and you felt as if all hope was lost. Vision did his best to keep you encouraged. About a month after your last insemination appointment, you took a pregnancy test. You were equally happy and overwhelmed when you saw both tests you took were positive. You and Vision wanted this for so long. When you told him, he was shocked because even he had begun to lose just a little hope- but soon replaced that shock with excited cheers.

Wanda- [Scared] You and Wanda both agreed on going to the sperm bank so you two could start a family. She was beyond excited until you actually got pregnant. It wasn't anger or sadness or regret- but it was fear. She suddenly began to think that she would be a terrible mother, but your reassurance helped after a little while.

Loki- [Fainted]....That's it. You told him, dude passed out. When he came to- he was happy...had a concussion from hitting his head on the ground hard as hell but was happy.

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