Bloody Barrister!

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"And, The Gold Medalist Barrister of the session is.......!Ms. Bondita Das!" The proud Head Master set forth, laying his eager eyes on the seated lot of students, to behold the 'Women Of Letters' who'd set an instance for the entire populace of her country.

But, she was nowhere to be seen, which'd become a matter of needless titbits amidst the clump of the green-eyed scholars.

"Ms. Bondita Das...!", the head master called out again.

"Sir..! Here I am!" An appealing feminine voice saturated the festooned concourse, making all and sundry rubberneck avidly.

A beauteous lass, in her early twenties, gleaming of outright faith, walked off the thresh hold with a winsome twinkle on her comely countenance, advancing straight to the modest rostrum, making everyone's jaws-drop with the charm in her individuality. 'Beauty with brains' her batch termed her today, Since they didn't pay much heed to this 'modest mistress' who belonged to the country which'd been under their cruel jurisdiction all this long while. 

The girl who'd always been a centre of profound mockery because of the country she hailed from had now a separate esteem which unknowingly originated from each one's heart in the form of lauds and cheers! One stood up to applaud, leading everyone to leave their seats in her  honour.

She now had tears of authentic contentment, it wasn't only her dream but equally her Sakha babu's! When she was given the honours, she felt herself swaying on cloud nine. The black robe glinted of power and strength while the folded degree manifested a humble mystique, their dreamt revolutionary ambitions for the society... for the browbeaten women..! Oh! How can one forget the Red, glistening ribbon strap? 'The shade of Love-Red' she recalled to have perused it in a Novel with a romantic genre! 

Their separation, Indeed, was the most gut-wrenching thing to have happened in her life, howbeit it flourished her as an independent, self-established individual, and this wouldn't have been possible if she'd have her comfort around her, her Sakha Babu....! 

An ultimate source of succour he was, but probably, he was clearly cognizant of the fact that One has to face hardships to rise like a phoenix from the ashes. It was his Love, his affection that'd shaped and polished her as a person. All this while she'd grown a special affection towards him, but she failed to give it a name, however, the eagerness to ask him about the same the day she gets back, kept her focused at all times.

She too harked back to the time she'd failed her first half-semester, since she'd to face umpteen sleepless nights sobbing profusely, her longing didn't let her shut her eyes. But then, She soon began to sustain with the environment she was in, the luxuriant woodlands was a sight to behold! Also, the enormous library in her university, kept her hooked and she began to overcome her longings. From motivational to thrillers, from romance to betrayals, she'd become a book maniac! The diversities in genres would engross her every time she'd yearn for his sight. Rather than a real friend she befriended Books, and this was probably a best decision of hers! She was particularly fond of the romance genre, since a blush crept her face whenever she'd think what would happen when they'd finally meet? How their bond would progress beyond a mentor and a mentee?

She was then swathed with the Barrister robe, her head was spontaneously bent as she was engrossed recalling her glorious past, but then her thoughts were interrupted by a soft voice.

"Bondita my child, uplift your head! You've made everyone proud!", The head master uttered softly, wrapping the robe around.

She contentedly elevated her head, her persona exhibited confidence, her angelic visage had a smile that constantly played on her lips; earning an appreciating pat from the head master.

Strolling down the platform, her psyche gave her another set of flashbacks, as she walked along the bifurcation; she recalled how her Shikshak Babu, placed his mortarboard hat on hers, gave her his degree, and in response she sauntered like a proud Barrister, positioning the degree just like one does with her head held high in pride. How he rejoiced watching her cutely pretending herself to be one, how he told her that he wishes to see her fulfill their dream some day!

The day was here, but he wasn't there to witness her journey from a girl with an endless galaxy of questions to the first lady Barrister Babu of India!

And, In the heat of the moment she stated to herself, with happy tears that dribbled off her face, glancing at the haze-blue airspace, while the birds sang the song of her victory!

"Sakha Babu, Our dream is fulfilled! Your Bondita is officially a Barrister now!"

"India, Barrister Babu Bondita! Is coming Back!!"


"Barrister babu, An Intruder has tried to break in", a hired fellow hastily sprinted advanced towards his Over lord.

"Where is the fellow from?", the man in his late twenties mightily catechized.

"Krishna Nagar...! As he admits!", he responded, gasping for breath.

"Drag him here....! Now!", the feisty man roared.

"As you say Master..."

The trespasser was tugged mercilessly, and was progressively thrown towards their master's feet.

"Where are you from?", The hostile barrister interrogated, lugging at his collar.

"Don't expect an answer...You Bloody Barrister!", the intruder riposted.

"Tell me....Or else you're gone!", The barrister roared, smirking brutally, tightening the grip at his collar making him gasp for air.

"F..Fine! Kris..Krishna..Nagar..!", he stammered, sensing the growing firmness at his neck.

"Alright then...You may leave!", he stated boldly, freeing the man from his rigid clasp.

"But Barrister babu...!", the hired men spoke up anxiously, but they were interrupted by the gesture of their overlord, the barrister elevated his hand to break their words off.

As the intruder turned about to leave, he felt an abrupt, striking sore penetration that went travelling across his frame, bending his neck below, he peered upon the oozing out blood which turned into a flaccid stream in no time; a thing that accompanied the gore was a vicious cartridge that glistened before him, barbarically! And, before he could fathom it, a slain darkness engulfed his orbs making his body fall limp.

"Bloody Barrister?! Well, Makes sense...Now!", the barrister chuckled wickedly.


Hello reviewers,

Do tell me how you like the extract down below, I'd eagerly wait for your constructive criticism or appreciation(if any) in the comment section down below. So, many of you'd find the exact essence of the running track in this portion, but don't be downhearted since this'd take several turns which'd be downright different. Also, There'd be No Disguises or unnecessary dragging in the story. 

Happy Reads🤍


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