When I look up after I put on my heels I can see that they are all staring at me. "What is wrong with your faces?" I ask with annoyance in my voice. Seriously though, what is their problem?

Mateo is the first to look away. He clears his throat, "Nothing." Alex and Kaz look away.

"Okay then..." I say slowly.

Alex then brings up the fact that he's a better driver than Mateo and that starts a whole fight between all of them. I really don't understand men.


We walk into the club. There are chandeliers hanging, red lights, pole dancers, and hundreds of people. This club seems to be on the very high end, but that's to be expected when you think about who I'm with.

I follow Mateo to some private area upstairs. He's wearing a white long sleeve but four of the buttons have been undone and black pants. Alex is wearing a tight black shirt, black jeans, and a black leather jacket. This man really likes black. Lastly, Kaz is wearing black pants and a jacket that says security.

Will, Jay, and Sage are already here. Will is wearing a grey suit but he took off the blazer. Jay is wearing a tight white shirt and black jeans. Sage is wearing a small green silk dress, her hair is curled and she has on some high heels, she also has on a jacket.

They all dressed super warm, I'm only wearing a dress and I feel fine.

Everyone greets each other. I sit on one of the couches that nobody is sitting on. "Hey, you want a drink?" Mateo asks.

"Yeah sure, just a club soda with vodka." Mateo nods then walks off.

After a couple seconds of sitting down observing everything about the place I see someone sit next to me and its Will.

"Hey hottie," Will says.

"Hey," I smile.

"Thank god you came, without you here it's just a bunch of men, and where's the fun in that?" he chuckles.

I laugh, "Come on Sage is still here, but It's good to get out of the house."

"I'm not sure if anybody told you this yet but you look so fucking hot in that dress," Will says while looking at my boobs.

I look down and pull my dress up a bit. Then back at him and his attention drives its way back to me. "Thanks Will," I say, slightly uncomfortable.

He moves slightly closer to me only making me more uncomfortable. I look to the other guys and they all seem to be focused on each other except for Alex. He is staring at Will or should I say, death staring at him. When Alex notices that I'm looking at him he turns his attention to Sage who is sitting next to him looking like she is seconds away from seducing him.

Will is so close that I can feel his breath on me. I then feel his hand creep up my thigh.

"No," I say, taking his hand off of me.

"No?" He puts his hand back on my thigh but this time it's under my dress and close to getting to my underwear. Thank god this isn't the leg with the knife attached to it. He leans closer to my ear and whispers, "Nobody tells me no."

I grab his hand and twist it so hard that he yells but nobody can hear over the music and loud noises. I kick my heel into his groin causing him to let out a cry. He falls onto the ground and I then punch him repeatedly to the point where I can't stop. I'm now straddling him, he tries to get me off of him by grabbing my arms but I quickly get out of his grasp and grab his head and smash it into the ground.

At this point I can't feel my fists, I don't hear anything, all I can see is his face and my hands. I'm pretty sure he is unconscious by now. I have just lost complete control. 

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