Bonus Chapter 3

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---The Honeymoon Part 2---

As I stand in the kitchen, I watch as Jake is in front of the Stove cooking dinner in nothing but a pair of low hanging shorts.

"How long until food is ready?"

Turning around, he glares at me before turning back towards the pot stirring it slowly.

"Be patient woman. If you wanted to cook you could have said so. I don't always have to be the wifely figure in this relationship you know?"

"Jake do not even try and bullshit your way through that. We both know that is nowhere near true."

Shaking his head, he focuses on the food adding some salt to the mixture.

"Whatever you say your majesty."

Once dinner is finally cooked, I watch Jake's muscles tense as he carefully dished out the food, placing the plates onto the neatly set table.

"Bon appetite Sunshine."

Sitting down across for each other, I grab the fork up from the table and stick it into the pasta placing the fork into my mouth, feeling my body being overtaken in a frenzy of flavours.

"It's amazing Jake. It takes so fucking good. You should cook more often, this is perfect."

Nodding his head, he places some pasta into his mouth moaning alongside me as we continue eating.

"Good luck Sunshine, this is a once-a-year opportunity. It's not turning into some nightly occasion."

"We'll see."

"Yes we will Sunshine. Yes we will."

Placing the dishes in the sink, I turn around watching as Jake walks up beside me holding his hands by my hips.

"Wanna call the twins tonight?"

looking over my shoulder, I place my hand to his cheek pulling his lips to mine.

"I'd love to."

Placing his hands in mine he pulls me into the loungeroom, sitting us down in front of his open laptop.

"You ready Sunshine?"

Smiling, I find myself fill with excitement. I miss the twins so much.


Leaving a small kiss on top of my head he leans his head against mine which is on his chest as he opened the laptop showing me our beautiful angels little chubby faces I hadn't seen in forever.


Smiling up to Jake I mouth thankyou to him, snuggling further into his chest.

"Babies, I missed you!"

"We missed ooh too Mummy."

"How has Poppy been? Have you guys drove him insane yet?"

Rolling their eyes, I find myself laughing at them as they start yelling at me.


"Geez fine. How are my Babies though? You look like you've grown so much is the last few days."

Alex is now standing up proud in-front of the camera with his hands on his waist.

"I am a big boy Mumma."

"No, you're not Allie you're still a bubba. See!"

Watching them bicker, Violet is now standing beside him on her tippy toes trying to make Alexander look small beside her.

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