With Open Eyes

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Chapter 21: "With Open Eyes"

*** Clarisa's POV ***

As I unlock the front door, I almost run into my dad and of course Brother who was still fuming with anger.

Looking over to my dad, he instantly wraps his arms around me.
"Where were you. I was worried."

Aiden steps towards me and anger was now flowing through me.

"We both were."

That was the straw that broke the camel's back.

"Don't even try to bullshit me Aiden. You made it especially clear that you didn't care about me when you basically called me a dumb slut and hurt me. Oh yeah and Jake. Don't act like I didn't know."

Steeping towards him I harshly shove him further into the room and continue yelling at him.

"So, no you don't care! You left me crying in a car park because of you, then you go and choke the man that I love."

Placing my hand on my chin I pretend to think.

"Now... let's remember why. Hmm? Oh yeah. Because he doesn't deserve me. Bullshit!"

Walking towards the steps I push past him and start walking up but pause halfway not bothering to turn around until last second.

"You're the one that doesn't deserve me Aiden. Not him."

Looking towards my dad, I could tell her as in shock. He was completely confused.

Turning back around, I walked up the stairs and felt tears start rolling down my cheek.


Closing the door behind me, I lock it and walk over to the window, slightly opening it.

After having a quick shower, I wrap a towel around my body and exit the bathroom, going into my closet and pulling on my Winnie The Poo shorts and my favourite grey oversized shirt and jumped into bed leaving the light on.

Turning Netflix on I get comfy, cocooned in my blankets and start watching Dirty Dancing.

As I got halfway through the movie, my window suddenly opens harshly, leaving me jumping out of bed petrified.

"Fucking hell Jake."

Throwing a pillow at his face, I sit back down on my bed. This time near the middle of my bed and go back to Watching the movie.

Laughing Jake sits behind me, pulling me between his legs, and playing idly by with my hair.

Noticing his quietness, I turned around placing my hand on his cheek.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just my dad. He's gave me an ultimatum. You or Him and everything he comes with. They are already emptying my apartment out and putting it back into their house for me to collect. Luckily mum talked him out if getting kicked out of the team. But that was the best he could do. I'm just glad she isn't hurt."

Looking up into his eyes I can feel the pain and sadness bubbling to his skin.


Leaning into him I place my hand on his cheek and give him a soft delicate and meaningful kiss, allowing my body to be absorbed by his.

Looking up into his eyes, the pain was now gone and replaced with small amounts of love and compassion overtaking the sadness he's feeling.

"What are you going to do?"

Smiling he lightly kisses my forehead and picks me up turning me back around, so I was between his legs, ready to watch the rest of the film.

Leaning his chin on my shoulder we continued to watch the film for a few minutes before he decided to reply.

"Do you think your dad would mind if I stayed here?"

Smiling, I look towards the door and pretend to think.

"It will be fine. I've got my ways to make him say yes."

Standing onto my knees, I sit down on his lap and wrap my legs around him, placing my lips on his.

"Clare wait."

Pulling away I look into his eyes.

"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

Smiling he places his hand on my cheek.

"No. never! I just wanted to look at you."

Smiling, I jump off the bed and walk towards the bathroom slowly removing layer after layer and leaving a trail towards the door, leaving myself only in my underwear by the time I reach the door.

Going inside, I poke my head around the door and take off my bra and underwear, showing them to Jake as I dropped them in-front of the door, confidently inviting him to follow.

"Come look at me then."

Smirking, he starts removing his clothes, walking into the bathroom.
Looking me over, he picked me up letting me wrap my legs around his chest, as he carried me into the shower, pushing me up against the wall with his lips roughly attacking mine.

As the water started running down our bodies, we melted into each other with a desire and intense need.

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