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CHAPTER 32: "Our Future"

***Just as a warning this chapter experiences many time jumps and is mostly a filler chapter only adding certain details when it comes to the relationship and the progression of the pregnancy***

***Jake's POV***

"Jake... I'm having twins."

Feeling myself fall to my knees in front of her, I place my hands on her stomach.

"We're having two babies?"

Nodding her head, she starts crying even harder.

"I'm so sorry Jake I didn't mean for this. It was going to be hard enough with just the one and I knew how much it would change everything. I didn't know how to tell you."

Standing up, I place my arms around her body, I pull her into hug, stroking her hair to calm her down.

"Clarissa, I love you. So much. You never need to apologise to me for anything. You mean the world to me and I wouldn't have our life any other way than it is right now. One baby, two. It doesn't matter sunshine. I am yours and you are mine and that is all we need."

Picking the box from her hands, I place the ring in her palm carefully

"Marry me?"

Nodding her head she steps backwards and places the ring onto her finger, wiping her tears away.


Jokingly I look at her confused.

"What was that Baby? I didn't hear that."

Shaking her head, a smile emerges over her face as she places her hands around my neck pulling me closer to her.

"Jake Jones, I love you so much. Of course I'll marry you."

Smirking, I pull her into me and kiss her passionately for what felt like forever.


---Three Months Later---

***Clarissa's POV***

Rolling onto my side, I find an empty half of the bed beside me. Groaning I stand up slowly barely able to keep myself stable now that I look like a giant inflated watermelon.

"Jake where the fuck are you?"

Placing my hands on my hips, I slowly make my way downstairs and find him passed out on the couch asleep with Tia's butt in his face.

Serves him right.

Waddling over to him, I pick up Tia and take her out the back.

Coming back inside, I go to the kitchen and grab a large cup filling it with freezing cold water and slowly make my way back to Jake who is still fast asleep.

Smiling evilly, I tip the cup upside down above him and watch as the drama unfolds.

As he shock straight up, I watched as his eyes took in his surrounding searching for the culprit with a murderous glare before his eyes met mine.

"What the fuck Clarissa?"

"Why did you leave? I woke up this morning and you weren't there. I missed you."

"Fucking hell woman. You kicked me out onto the couch yourself last night because I didn't buy the correct ice-cream flavours at the store."

"That doesn't mean you had to listen to me. You never listen to me."

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