Final Words

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Welcome! You've made it to the very end! Go ahead and pat yourself on the back because this was a pretty big book to get through!

Congratulations babe, you've just read approximately 205,285 words of heartbreak, angst, and hopefully some happy moments that were well worth the read!

I would first like to apologize for any and all possible emotional trauma I might've caused.

Thank you for your tears though, they're much appreciated.

However, it could be worse.

This is a rough draft of how I ORIGINALLY planned for the story to end:

-Flora died much earlier in the book, roughly around the time they destroyed the Eight Orbs

-Sky was originally Jack's Mate and she lived until the end of the story

-Not that she had a happy ending lol. I ended up having her living as a recluse at Jack's old Pack and she died of old age/heartbreak

-Sky and Reign never had a relationship in that ending

-Venus sacrificed Leo and he died never knowing his son

-Venus returns to her Pack with Pride and 15 yrs later in the Epilogue Pride was LJ's surrogate father

-Basically a super angsty ending that I'm glad I didn't go through with

Idk why it was originally going to end super dark but, um...

ANYWHORE, I'd love to leave you with some last comments in regards to the main characters and their struggles. Take some lessons from my characters and learn from their mistakes 💜


-Take care of yourself
-Learn to put yourself first
-Understand that not everyone deserves your kindness
-Know that it's ok to break down and cry every once in a while. There's no shame in it


-If you've ever lost someone to suicide, know that it's ok to hate them
-It's ok to mourn them however you need to mourn them
-But also know that you can't shut people out, especially not the ones that love you
-Learn to let someone in
-Find someone you can can trust and confide in them


-Know your worth!
-Don't ever let someone demean you for their own selfish gain
-If you're in a relationship where someone is treating you badly or being abusive, then you've gotta find the strength to leave
-It's ok to be sexually active as long as you're of age and are taking precautions

[deadass if you're not married or an adult in a stable relationship then you need to be wrapping it before you're tapping it. it's 2021 ya dumbos. there is zero excuse for accidental pregnancy when you can literally walk your horny ass down to planned parenthood and get condoms/secretly start birth control if you don't want your parents to know. use all the edumacation in the world and don't contribute to its population til your old enough mmk 💅🏽]


-If you're in an abusive home then speak up, tell someone
-Know that a shitty parent is not a reflection of who you are as a person
-You don't have to live up to the way you were raised if you don't want to
-Be you're own person
-Tell people you love them even if you're scared
-Don't reject love when it comes your way
-Put the book down every once in a while and go touch some grass ffs


-If you have a flaky parent that's popping in and out of your life, let them go for now
-If someone wants to be in your life then they'll make an effort to
-Don't waste your time on people that aren't even worth your tears
-The only thing holding you back from being happy is yourself
-Learn to accept love when you receive it and don't be afraid to give it back
-Let people help you when you need it

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