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Song : Lorde - Ribs
February 2nd 2017
Narrators POV

"You... you're pregnant?" Z pulled her knees into her chest, she hugged them trying to hold herself together.

She nodded her head answering Iyah's question, she hadn't even heard the words out loud yet. Hearing them leave Iyah's mouth was almost enough to make her sick.

"How long have you... Z when did you take this?" Iyah's mind was racing just as fast as Zhavia's in that moment, finding out her sister was pregnant was not at all what she had expected.

"About a week and a half ago."

"Do you know who the father is?" Z's eyes closed trying to prevent tears before they can even try to build. She was so sick and tired of crying, it felt like it's all she ever did anymore. She shook her head no to answer Iyah again, this time Iyah got up from her spot at the end of the bed and crawled into bed with Z, she pulled her into herself, comforting her sister.

"You can't tell mom, you can't tell your dad ok, please Iyah-"

"Shh shh I'm not going to say anything, I would never snitch on you, okay? Especially with something like this. It was clearly weighing on you not being able to tell anyone, but Z you can talk to me. You can tell me anything, always. We're sisters." With so much going on, with all the things Z was currently facing, she had never been so thankful to be where she was right then.

In the comfort of her room, in the house her mom owned, confiding in her little sister. It felt the closest she'd ever been to normal even if her situation was anything but that. Suddenly everything finally felt okay for the first time in a long time.

"You're so annoying." Z snickered now lying her head in Iyah's lap, Iyah began playing in Z's hair. "Hey!-"

"You're annoying, but I'm glad you're my sister. I'm glad we're together now." Z's words came straight from her heart.

"So am I. I'm sorry I've been focusing so much on Anthony getting here. I just really want you to meet him." Z sighed shrugging, Iyah being excited about Anthony's arrival didn't bother Z. It was kind of cool for to see Iyah so excited. "You're fine, I can't wait to meet him either, I'm sorry I've been hanging out with the twins so much. You and I haven't really done too much together. That changes now." Z smiled looking up at Iyah who began to smile too.

"Yeah, we're gonna go to all your ultrasounds together, go baby shopping, plan baby showers and-"

Z's eyes widened, she sat up almost instantaneously.

"Whoa let's slow down I plan on ignoring this until I can no longer do so. I don't want to even know how far along I am." She didn't, if she had maybe she would have already been able to solidify who's baby it is, or if there is even a baby at all for that matter.

"That's because you haven't had an ultrasound." Iyah said it almost as though she was implying that should be Z's next step.

"Obviously, smart ass."

Z held her hand out and took the test from Iyah so she could put it back in her drawer for safe keeping. As she was leaning back into the bed she heard a yawn come from Iyah, it was only nine at night, but that was late for Iyah.

Zharia had everyone on a nice routined schedule, everyone except for Z who was currently suffering from insomnia along with everything else.

"You getting sleepy on me?" Z asked gently as she starred at the yawning Iyah.

Iyah's head shook 'no' as she was still yawning. "No- no, I'm just I need a short nap." She began to get up and crawl out of Z's bed.

"It's fine, we can call it a night." Z could see that she was obviously tired.

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