Chapter Twenty Eight : 3rd of September

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Today is September 3rd.

I'm supposed to be working with Taehyung today, well I've been working for eight hours already today, being unable to sleep...

Taehyung wanted to edit the Run BTS episode and texted me two days ago to confirm he's coming for 9am.

But he seems to be's 11:40pm, and still no sign of Taehyung. I didn't call him, he probably had a reason for not showing. The boys had such schedules, sometimes they didn't get to do what they wanted.

A sudden event popped up...It was just regular idol life.

Therefore, I didn't question his absence any further and got to work.

I can't wait or I'll never get the job done.

I typed furiously, clicked and typed again, adding sound effects, visual effects. Of course, as I worked hard, I couldn't help thinking about Taehyung and the reason why he might not be here. I know, I should just let go. But I don't now.

If Taehyung couldn't contact me, then Jimin would, to explain his best friend's absence. They did that a few times.

However, I stopped suddenly at one thought.

That night at the Lake house...he told me that his grandmother passed away on the 3rd of September...

Today is the 3rd of September.

I sat up from my chair and grabbed my phone.

"Hi! How are you doing? I was wondering if you were at the dorm?"

I stood there waiting for a reply which finally came. If he wasn't at the dorm, I'd just let him be. But if he was there...he needed to get out and do something.


As I expected he's not doing great today... I could feel in his very short answer, that he was feeling really down.

I rushed to my room and picked out a black outfit, a dress I wore at the funeral...back in 2018.

I took it out and picked out a vest before leaving my apartment and getting in the car.

On my way to the dorm, I stopped at a flower shop, picking a beautiful mix of white flowers.

I know how hard losing someone is, and the memory of the pain, the pain we have, missing that person...
We think the pain is over, but then memories flash back to your head, a song, a scenery, a word...It brings back the joy, the love, the pain, the absence...

I know what it's like to have tons of memories flash back to my mind. I know how it feels when all you can think about is that person, that person who left...

I reached the dorm, and pushed the first door after dialling the code. The place was really quiet, and the boys all seem to be out or in their rooms.

I walked straight to Taehyung's and knocked lightly on the door. I felt a little nervous, but I had grown rather close to Taehyung. It wasn't strange for me to come to the dorm.

"Yeah?" His voice echoed through the door and I pushed it open.

He was on his bed, his hair messy. He looked like he cried...

I know Taehyung is a very sensitive person. I walked to him and he eyed me suspiciously, seeing how formally I was dressed.

"Taehyung, I think we should go and visit her." For a moment, he frowned, sitting up, trying to understand what I meant.

When he did understand, his expression changed completely and he stood up, staring at me. He just stood there, and I had no idea what was going on in his mind.

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