Chapter 33 : Fated & illfated

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"Taehyungah?" Taehyung turned around to his friend who stood by the car.


Jimin seemed to hesitate. "Are you sure about Dispatch? I mean, I understand that you're mad. But going after such powerful organisations and companies...I don't know. It just seems really dangerous to me..."

Taehyung pursed his lips, glancing at Kiaraa who was leaning her head on his chest, exhausted.

"I'm not only doing this for us but for all the other people who were wronged. What's happening to us keeps happening. All they care about is money. Destroying people isn't a bother to them. So someone has to stop them and destroy them."

"Yeah, but as you said, they don't care about people. Only about money. If you destroy then they won't just stand by and watch. They won't care about hurting people and stepping on them to save their gold."

"Someone has to try." Taehyung replied stubbornly.

Jimin gave his friend a tight smile, obviously worried.

"Okay...Well, take care of her and be extra careful." He walked to the pair and took Kiaraa's hand.

"You rest well okay?" Kiaraa smiled at the singer who gave her hand a comforting squeeze before going back to his car. "Take care of her and yourself, Taehyungah."

"Yeah. I will."

After saying goodbye to his best friend, Taehyung looked down at Kiaraa. He hated seeing her like that.

In a swift but delicate move, he swept her up, holding her bridal style. Kiaraa was surprised but let him, holding onto him and resting her head on his shoulder.

He took her to the elevator from the underground parking lot to his flat. Taehyung went straight for the bed and laid her down in it.

"Taehyungah, it's okay. I'm okay." Kiaraa insisted, holding his hand to stop him from taking care of her.

"You need to rest." He replied kindly. She seemed to hesitate, her hand still holding Taehyung's, looking around the room she didn't know.

"But you will stay, right?"

"Of course I'll stay, Kie. First I'll just apply some ointment on those bruises so they don't get worse okay?" He was about to leave the room but turned back, Looking through the cupboards. He pulled out some pyjamas which were going to be way too big for her. He handed them over nonetheless. "Here, put these on."

Kiaraa nodded and took the given pyjamas.

Taehyung went to the bathroom searching the cupboards, and in the meantime, Kiaraa changed for the fourth time of the day.

Taehyung came back and sat by her side on the bed, a small smile on his face as he saw her into his pyjamas.

"Do you mind sitting up a bit and removing your top?"

"Okay." Kiaraa did as asked and Taehyung helped before gently applied the ointment on her neck and shoulder, and taking care of her arm.

His lips were pursed and his eyes dark, seeing the purple marks. Kiaraa winced from time to time, causing Taehyung to look up worriedly.

"Are you okay?" He asked, genuinely concerned.

"Yeah." She nodded, giving him a reassuring smile. He leant closer and pecked her on the lips before continuing his little job.

Once he was all done, he closed the ointment and pressed his lips on her shoulder taking a deep breath before helping her put the top back on.

"Thank you, Taehyung."

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