Thruth or dare?

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Even with every untouched existence that hadn't yet been burned up to flames,
Nothing felt more burned alive than Hope's heart,
compared to a lucifer dying out.

Hope had woken up panting.
She didn't remember she'd fallen asleep,
only her tired eyelids slowly gaining weight.
Hope was utterly terrified. She dreamed the entire school burning up to dust, until there wasn't a single bit left of it, the students within, burned to ash.
But that wasn't the part that made her heart stop for the slightest second. No. It was the part where she realized she had caused it.
As she saw her own yellow eyes glow, shining through the dark.
But no darkness compared to hers.

The first instinct that came to mind was going over to Josie's room for comfort.
But once she noticed the time, she didn't want to wake her up.
On the other hand, there was no way she'd sleep now, and with all the studying she and Josie had done the past week, she really couldn't let herself mess up her test tomorrow over lack of sleep.

Hope repeatedly knocked on the door until a sleepy Josie Saltzman opened it for her.
"Hope?" She said in a husky voice. "What are you doing here at...2am?" She asked after taken a look at her watch.
"Can I come in please?" Hope tried really hard not to break down right there and then.
She didn't want to look weak in front of Josie.

Josie was got of guard by the surprise awaited at her door so suddenly.
Hope represented quite an anxious vibe around her and Josie tried holding back her curiosity from exploding.
Do something already,
Ask her what's wrong!
"Hope, are you okay? You're hands are shaking."
Hope nervously sat down on the Sophomore's bed and repeatedly tapped her own fingers with the other.
Josie recognized the anxiety Hope showed from experiences with her sister.
Lizzy had troubled mind, but after practice found a way to control it.
Hope on the other hand seemed to slowly be falling apart.

Josie couldn't take it anymore so she hurried to the bed and sat down next to the tribrid, stopped her hands from what they where doing with one of her own.

"Hope, tell me what's going on. You're worrying me."
Hope found it quite unexpected that Josie worried about her so much. This was all new the her, she didn't recognize it from anyone but her parents.

"Uhm.. well I keep having these really intense nightmares, to which I always end up being the bad guy. And I don't know, this one just felt next level."
Hopes voice trembled with each word releasing.
"Jo, I'm terrified." She pushed away the tears right before Josie pulled her into a hug.

Neither of the two seemed to have realized before how much the both of them needed this hug.
They'd spend almost five whole minutes pressed against each other, heads buried in shoulders.

Josie made the next step by pulling away from Hope, who'd apparently shed a tear.
Her arm seemed to have created a mind of its own as she wiped the tear of off Hope's face with her thumb.

Hope was completely caught off  by the move Josie had made.
She remembered feeling so stupid letting the tear fall after all. Now she couldn't remember why.
She felt her cheek burn up, thought it was the effect of the tear that fell against it.
But one tiny tear could not have such impact on two cheeks now could it?
Enough with this nonsense Hope,
You don't need someone as dull as Josie Saltzman.
Hope mentally shut herself up and looked into the witch's eyes. She just had to remind herself Josie Saltzman wasn't who the voice said she was.
Josie wasn't "dull", was kind, caring, strong...and beautiful.

"Hope, there's obviously something else on your mind. What is it?" Josie asked Hope after she had stayed silent for a while.
"C—can I stay with you tonight?"
Hope felt her heart race in her chest once the question was out there.

Josie was quite startled herself.
   Had Hope Mikaelson really just asked her if she could spend the night?
But despite Josie's doubts she said:

"Of course you can."

Hope got into bed with Josie, after she refused to let Hope sleep on the floor.
They felt less uncomfortable than expected, besides the awkward silence filled around them.
Josie came up with the idea of playing truth or dare for a while until they'd fall asleep, which Hope luckily stood open to.

"Truth or dare?" Josie began.
"Uhmm... truth?"
Josie thought about her question for a second. She wanted to use this opportunity to get to know Hope better.
"If you could, what would you change about yourself?"
The both of them were turned to each other, leaned back against the headboard.
"I would probably boost my confidence."
"Really? To me you've always seemed so confident."
"Well, that's the way I want people to see me... as long as they don't know the truth, they won't have anything against me."
"Well what about me?" Josie joked.
Hope laughed slightly. "Yeah well, I trust you. Apparently more than I thought."
Josie's heart fluttered, before giving the turn to Hope.

"Dare." Josie had picked to boost things up.
Hope thought about a dare with a smirk stuck on her face, which Josie found adorable, but definitely wouldn't say out loud.
"Sing your favorite song to me."
Josie smiled, and let out a groan before starting to sing for Hope. But she stopped halfway through the song and grabbed her ukulele, then continued singing to Hope. Who listened closely in awe.
It was simply the most stunning voice Hope had ever heard, which made her even more into the Gemini. She watched Josie's lips move into a smile whilst singing. Hope watched her hands play the ukulele, one hand near the head and one repeatedly moving against the strings.

Hope was sad once the song ended and Josie had stopped singing. She could simply listen to her all day long.
"That was absolutely amazing," Hope said, which came out more thrilled than her liking.
"Thank you," Josie said, and Hope noticed her cheeks forming a bit of color on them.
Did she just make her blush?
Uhg what is up with the butterflies, Mikaelson?
Hope quickly shook off the cold feeling along with the voice as she and Josie continued their game.
They'd been playing for half an hour, when Hope was finally exposed to the wrong question.
She had asked Josie if she'd ever experienced heartbreak. Josie's expression changed within half a second and didn't look Hope in the eye for a moment.

"Uhm... Well, last year there was this girl.. she dumped me." Josie swallowed the lump down her throat. "She was a witch who also went to this school. You may know her, Penelope."
Hope then remembered a witch with dark hair and green eyes. Talking about her gave her power.
"Wait, you dated Penelope? How come I've never heard it?"
"I don't know, probably because we never hung out before then and Lizzy didn't mention it to you?"
"Yeah that must be it." Hope looked at Josie. "I just don't get why someone would ever leave you. Honestly I can't even imagine someone not wanting to be with you."
Hope immediately regretted what she'd said.
Gosh, she totally freaked her out didn't she?! With all the compliments and now this.
Silence fell upon them again.
"I— uhm... it's getting late don't you think? We should probably get some rest for tomorrow."
"Y-yeah I agree."

They laid back down and fell off to sleep.

Word count: 1289

Word count: 1289

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