Rock Creek

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The Salvatore school's vans where parked out front.
Everyone was exited for this trip,
they could barely remember
the last time they did something like

Hope, Josie, Lizzy and Mj got into the same bus and sat in the backseat with each other.
"We should double date sometime," Lizzy smiled as she put her arms around Mj and Josie who sat next to her.
Josie gave Hope a look as in "how are we gonna get out of that one?" To which Hope responded with a look that said "I have no idea."

Two hours on the road and Lizzy was already asking/yelling "are we there yet?!" Every two minutes.
Josie on the other hand was carsick and was now throwing up in a paper bag.
"Are you okay?" Hope asked Josie as she stoked her hair. Josie nodded "no" before looking out the window again, hoping it would help her throw up less. Mj was asleep with his headphones on.

Only one hour left, the van made a quick stop so the ones who needed to could go pee, or take some fresh air. (Almost forgot to mention) since there weren't enough teachers available to enter their trip, three vans where spelled to drive to the destination, meaning no one was behind the steering wheel.

About an hour later, the Salvatore school finally arrived at camp Rock Creek.
Emma handed everyone the keys to their cabins, two to three people per room, and no one got to choose who got with who.
Hope and Josie obviously wished they would get a room together, until Josie was handed her key.
She asked around who got the same number as her 105 until one girl said: "oh, I think Penelope got that key as well."

Josie couldn't believe it, out of all people.
She immediately told Hope as she found out.
"Are you kidding me?!" Hope went to Emma once she handed the last key to a student.
"Emma, who's in charge of the cabin buddy's?" Hope asked irritated.
"No one. I spelled to a random pick out." Emma's expression changed. "Why, is anything wrong?"
"Funny you ask, because Josie got put in a cabin with her ex Satan."
"Ah... I see. I won't be able to pick a new roommate for her right away, but I will get to it first thing in the morning."
"In the morning?! Emma—"
"Hope there's no discussion here. I have lots of things to do and simply don't have the time until then."

Hope walked away from Emma, her eyes silently glowing.
"And?" Josie asked, but wasn't as hopeful anymore by the look on Hope's face.
"Emma won't be able to set you up with somebody else until tomorrow morning."
Josie sighed. Hope pulled her in for a hug, that soon got broken up by Alaric having everyone gather around him to "discuss a few things".

"As most of you already know, we'll be staying here for three days. It's going to be a busy schedule.
Everyone must be in their cabins by ten pm and aren't allowed out until seven in the morning.
Today you'll get half an hour to unpack, then we'll all have lunch together and go hiking afterwards. Any questions?" Dr Saltzman said.

Nobody seemed to have any questions, so we were allowed to go unpack.
Josie told Hope to unpack as she would just drop her bags off at her room and do the unpacking once she was traded the next day.

As Josie got to her cabin she started off relieved to notice Penelope not being there, until the unfortunate door opening.
"Hey JoJo," Penelope smiled. "Can you believe we're roomies? Brings back memories doesn't it."
"Not really," is all Josie replied, quickly putting her bags on the bed she'd chosen for herself. She did get there first after all.

Josie was about to leave until Penelope stopped her at the door.
"Leaving so soon? You haven't even unpacked yet."
"That's because I won't be staying here with you."
"Ouch, I got so exited once I heard I was gonna be your roommate. Even if it's just for three days."
"Well, that makes one of us."
Josie made her way past Penelope and out the door.
She looked down at her hands to make sure she didn't hurt herself again, but some unfortunate results came out.
How didn't she ever seem to realize her own nails pushing through her skin, most people would feel something like that. Josie on the other hand didn't feel a thing until the damage had already been done.

Most people where already gathered in the dining hall, waiting for their food to be served.
Josie texted Hope asking where she were, which Hope responded to, saying she was in cabin 119.
It had taken Josie quite some time to find Hope's cabin, but was relieved once she got to it.
She knocked on the door which to her surprise, revealed Alyssa Chang.
"Hey Alyssa, is Hope with you?"
"Yeah, come in."
Josie found it funny how their cabin looked exactly like hers but the furniture only pointed to the left instead of to the right like hers.

Hope sat on her bed with her phone in hand, once she noticed Josie where there, she immediately put it away and went up to her.
"Hey love." Hope kisses Josie and heard gagging noises behind them, coming from Alyssa.
"Please don't do that near me," she said before walking out the door.
Hope just smiled at Josie, 'not giving two shits'.
"Did you cross Penelope?" She asked as she two of them sat down on Hope's bed.

"Uhm yeah..." Josie didn't wanna ruin Hope's mood, especially since she seemed so happy today.
But Hope told Josie not to keep anything from her, so Josie told her anyway.
"Hope I did it again." Josie showed Hope her hands and swallowed hard. "I don't know why, I mean I don't even seem to realize it when I do. I feel nothing of it until it's too late."
It killed Josie to see Hope's smile faded. She hated making Hope feel sad.
So don't!
"I wish I knew what to tell you Jo. But honestly, I have no idea how I could help you, especially since you barely even know anything about it yourself. And I hate that," Hope sighed.
"Well, I hate making you feel this way. I mean you should be with someone who makes you happy, not sad," Josie said, honestly frightened of Hope's response.

"Josie Saltzman, are you really that clueless?" Hope chuckled. "You are the best thing that's happened to me in my shitty life so far. You make me feel more than just happy... you make me warm, cared about, alive. And wherever I'm with you, I feel at home."

Josie smiled brightly, her cheeks burning red.
She never entirely knew Hope felt so strongly for her, how she felt because of her.
It made Josie nothing but happy to hear Hope say those words.

Word count: 1183

Word count: 1183

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