"Game on"

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"She can't keep us here forever."

"She's been planning this for years, there's no way she'll die before the job's finished," Hope spoke from the cellar she took place in.
"Which is what exactly?" Lizzie asked.
Hope sighed and looked up at the ceiling before she spoke. "So.. apparently everyone has a dubbelganger that takes place is one's mind, but only one of the two can stay on the real side." Hope waited for a second to make sure she wasn't going too fast. "So my dubbelganger (who has the same name by the way) wants me out of the picture so she can take over, but in order to do that, she must kill every person I've ever known. She's barely a dubbelganger, she's more like a clone."

"And you're saying we all have one?!" Lizzie asked flustered.
"Yeah, but it won't activate unless giving in to some kind of emotional breakdown. When you're at your lowest really."
"Wha— but I get breakdowns all the time!"
"Then I'm sure you've already heard that voice in your head huh?"
"Damn," Lizzie breathed, as it all started to make sense to her.
"Jo are you okay down there?" Hope asked since she hadn't heard Josie's voice in a while.
"Yeah I'm fine, just... processing."

"Anyways, we have to come up with a plan to defeat her. The longer we stay in her subconsciousness, the weaker she grows, but since you two are trapped in here and she's in my body, we'll all die."
"Great plan Hope," Lizzie said brightly.
"Hope I think you're the one who has to defeat her. I've read it in someone's spell book one time, I think her name was Aurelia aphelion, a witch from the 80s."
"Well Josette, what did it sayyy?"
"Lizzie I'm growing tired of your constant sarcasm," Josie sighed in annoyance, before continuing.
"Well she once dealt with the same problem and in order to defeat her clone/dubbelganger, she had to merge with her, like Gemini witches do when they turn 22."

"Is that the only option?" Hopes voice grew more quiet throughout the words.
"...I think it is."

"Shhhhh!" Kaleb quickly shushed Mj as he yelled through the the cafeteria.
"So what now?" Mj asked Kaleb excitedly.
"..I'm not sure, we haven't talked about it yet. We just know we like each other."
"But you wanna date him right?"
"I mean yeah, but I don't know where he stands on that."
"Then just ask."
Caleb inhaled doubtfully.
"Yeah I guess I should."
Mj playfully patted Kaleb's back as he walked away.

Mj turned on his phone and called Lizzie.
But even after the 57th time, it went straight to voicemail.

"Come in."
Mj stepped into Dr.Saltzman's office and sat down in the chair in front of Alaric's desk.
"Everything okay Mj?" Alaric asked in a soothing tone.
"I haven't heard from Lizzie and Josie in twenty four hours, neither of them have answered their phones in the meanwhile."
"Hope said they went out. I took her word for it, but maybe something's wrong. I sensed something wasn't entirely...right with her, but I didn't think too much of it."
"Well what are we gonna do? They could be in trouble and I don't think Hope's telling the truth."
"I'll send you, Dorian and a few others to go look for them. I would've tagged along, but I really have to finish this paper work first," Alaric responded as he held up a few files.

Hope's head shot towards the door, her spell interrupted. The spell that would put an end to it all, the one thing that could kill everyone Hope had ever known including Hope herself.
"Ever heard of knocking?" Hope asked Mj, rather annoyed, Kaleb and Jed also happening to stand behind him.
"We know you're not telling the truth about Lizzie and Josie." Mj said with a stern tone.
"Well, it was fun while it lasted," Hope mumbled and got up from the floor.

"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, Mj. It means that it was fun whilst none of you suspected anything. They're not coming back, neither will you."

Within less than a second,
Hope released a spell, having Mj in her grip as he hung into thin air.
Mj started chocking feeling the pressure on around his neck tightening.
Kaleb rushed up to her in vamp speed, but Hope was fully aware, using her other hand to push him through the thick walls of her dorm.

"Kaleb are you okay?!" Jed kneeled down next to the vampire who was spread out on the floor.
Kaleb grunted before saying he was fine, feeling his shattered bones starting to heal in quite a rush.
"That's not the Hope Mikaelson we know," he panted.
"I know."

"Guys, something's going down on the real side. We have to get her here." Hope said to the twins.
"What's going on?" Josie asked, her heart slowly picking up its pace.
"I'm not entirely sure, but I can feel her using my powers. I think she's attacking someone."
"Alright, so how do we draw attention to ourselves?" Lizzie asked, Hoping Hope had the answer.

"Let's just all use our powers to the fullest, she'll get tired and return here to... well charge," Hope suggested.
"I'll explain later. On the count from three to zero, we'll all cast spells, doesn't matter what kind."


They all began casting spells which backfired a lot, though it did not stop them.

"Uhg, hang on a second. Someone's trying to get my attention," Hope sighed before disappearing.
    Mj gasped as he fell to the ground.
"Are you okay?" Kaleb asked him.
"I am, but Hope sure isn't. Neither are Lizzie and Josie, probably."
"Then what do you suggest we do?"
                 "We get them back... all of them."

"Now what was it that was so important huh?" Hope asked wondering around the room, her eyes going from Lizzie to Josie.
"Why don't you ask Hope?" Josie responded innocently.
Hope went into the cellar and looked her clone dead in the eyes.
"What do you want?!"
Hope had a smirk on her face as she replied, "I want my life back. And since you're gonna die anyway (as long as you'll keep us here) there's no way you can reject my offer."
"Which is?" The other Hope asked through gritted teeth.
"You want my life, you'll have to take it. We merge, one of us gets to keep it. You know it's the only way."
Hope scoffed before saying,

"Game on."

Word count: 1104

Word count: 1104

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